Dear Sir/ Madam.
have made a number of complaints to the LA[1] previously
that have not been replied to[2].
In response to comments made to me by TH Judge Barnett, I have compiled some of
the most pertinent complaints as one document here. The true list is very large
due to the extensive negligence and abuse, especially in false reporting made
by the LA employees. I have reduced the list considerably here.
analysis of the emails, already presented to the courts, shows a huge list of
requests for honesty, transparency and help from the LA employees. Not one
single email was answered. The LA employees do not want to work cooperatively
or have traceability; these maverick employees are hiding what is happening and
desperately disapproved of a possible judicial review.
was proven protracted domestic violence by a mum in 2009/2010 and confirmed by social
services, two courts, witnesses and media, was then partly confused by a
rewrite of the history by the social workers at Ellesmere Port Social Services.
Social workers not only tried to hide the abuses and re write the history, they
then assisted the assailant to cover her trail and further victimise the
victims starting in July 2010 and up to the current date. The LA has allowed
its employees to hide domestic violence and propagate harassment of the
first social workers 2009/2010 were decent professional people who set about helping
a distressed family in need. After Mrs Dobbie assaulted her toddler son and
about an assault on herself to the police et al, the second set of social
workers got involved and set about a malicious program of promoting falsely
that ‘dad is bad’ and ‘mum is good’.
root of any confusion is contributed by Mrs Dobbie’s initial lies, the initial
police negligence[4], Mrs
Dobbie’s ongoing lies and faked compliance[5] on
paper, combined with a very strong prejudice[6] by
the social workers to believe her and dislike any man they falsely believe has
been violent. If the social workers had investigated thoroughly and not been so
enthusiastic to propagate Mrs Dobbie’s version of things there would not have
been two years of upset for the children amongst other things.
ability of the social workers to maintain their position of untruthfulness is
based mainly on the abuse of authority[7]
and things being kept secret by the abuse of laws designed to protect
children’s interests.
is demonstrable that this situation is serious and involves:-
· the continuous attempt to hide mum’s domestic violence and abuses,
· the continuous attempt to propagate mum’s version of an alleged assault,
· the covering up of a serious sexual assault,
· emotional abuse of the children,
· malicious harassment of Mr Dobbie,
· emotional abuse of Mr Dobbie,
· the violation of the children and Mr Dobbie’s human rights,
· destruction of Mr Dobbie’s property,
· perjury to numerous courts by Mrs Dobbie and social workers.
social workers reports contain so much hearsay and so little fact that they
warrant an entire book on forensic analysis of the subject. An expert in writing
children’s case reports reported that these reports as being exceptionally bad.
These outstandingly unprofessional reports must be given to Ofsted to see what
utter nonsense is being written by social workers and being accepted by the LA.
against men has been clearly demonstrated by the LA in general[8],
and is demonstrated against the father involved (me) quite blatantly by
individual social workers. The reports are used to cover up mum’s history as
well as ongoing events. The reports accentuate ‘mum is good’ and paint as unsavoury
a picture of dad through mal reporting and implied stereotyping[9].
list in this document is far from exhaustive. Separate subsets have been
created in an attempt to keep the focus with various parties, with the whole
being for the police and future legal use.
prevent further confusion over documents, I have attached a few relevant documents
inside this PDF. These are - the email from Mrs Dobbie, the Graham Dean
statement, extracts from the original social services report (PDF copy too big
), Mr Dobbie diary entries referred to by Jean Davies and Caroline Harley, the
transcript from the Aurora blogs, extract from CAFCASS rfj report, extracts
from Dr Alwin report.
am a consultant physicist who has lectured at NASA and worked in military and
civil projects with an extensive history running at CEO and director level on a
global basis. Contract work undertaken by me has included high level forensic
auditing of complex processes. As such, I am used to working inside operations
that are at a high level of professionalism and have quality assurance at a
very high level.
version of any documents that I write has a unique reference and revision
declared. The latest version of this document is v1 and can be seen from the
title at the top. All previous document revisions in this ‘Complaint to LA’ are
overridden by this current document.
Yours Faithfuly,
Tom Dobbie,
6 Coventry Avenue,
Great Sutton,
Ellesmere Port,
Cheshire, CH66 2GL .
Note: Softcopy pdf has hyprlinks and Blue without hyperlinks indicates references.
Complaints Summary Table
Complaint Summary
Table. (Hyperlinks in softcopy) |
No. |
in short form. |
Future use. |
My complaint in summary is that:- 1.
the LA has been negligent in allowing its employee and contract workers to
behave unprofessionally in dealing with my children’s welfare and well being. 2.
the LA has been negligent in allowing its employee and contract workers to interact
unprofessionally with myself, as the father of the children involved. 3.
the LA social workers Dana Murray, Vivian Saunders, Barbra Goldsmith, Andrea
Blears, Kevin Buck and Helen Jones have all demonstrated professional
negligence. 4.
the LA social workers Dana Murray, Vivian Saunders, Barbra Goldsmith, Andrea
Blears, Kevin Buck and Helen Jones have gone considerably beyond negligence
and have perjured courts. 5.
the LA social workers Dana Murray, Vivian Saunders, Barbara Goldsmith, Andrea
Blears, Kevin Buck and Helen Jones have criminally harassed me. 6.
the LA has allowed, through a protracted campaign of harassment by its
employee and contract workers, to emotionally assault Aurora Nisha Dobbie. 7.
the LA has allowed, through a protracted campaign of harassment by its
employee and contract workers, to emotionally assault me and damaged my
health. 8.
the LA has allowed, through a protracted campaign of harassment by its
employee and contract workers, to damage my property and the children’s
financial security. 9.
the LA has allowed its employee and contract workers to have operated in an out
control fashion in creating stories to promote the false idea of ‘dad is bad’
and ‘mum is good’. 10.
the LA has allowed its employees to cover up the truthfulness of the violence
and abuse carried out by Mrs Dobbie on her children by opposing a Judicial
review. 11.
the LA has allowed its employees to saying dad is mentally ill and that
Aurora only tells lies and all other evidence should be ignored in their
efforts to hide their abuses. 12.
the LA has allowed its employees to negligently serve imprisonment documents
on Mr Dobbie. 13.
the LA has allowed its employees to waste circa £500,000 of tax payers money
in carrying out an abusive campaign of ‘dad is bad’ and ‘mum is good’ 14.
the LA has allowed its employees to write a highly prejudiced interpretation
of the report by Dr Alwin. 15.
the LA has allowed it’s employees to create a perverted report by Prof.
Billington by stopping what he deemed ‘ESSENTIAL’. 16.
the LA has permitted it’s employees to Perjure the High Courts in Liverpool
and Chester. |
List of
individual complaints and the referencing to the history Note:
The complaints run CUMMULATIVELY. Each person at the next point in time is
working on the premise that the social workers previously have told the truth
only. They are all professionally negligent of not checking the full history.
They are negligent of not seeing contradictions between professionals and not
investigating why these contradictions exist. They are negligent of
contradicting themselves between reports. They are negligent of not checking
readily available evidence from reports, courts, barristers and witnesses. |
The LA and it’s social
workers showed extreme prejudice against men in cases of domestic violence. From July 2010 until late
Q1 2011, the LA only showed posters which displayed extreme prejudice against
men in the dealing and understanding of domestic violence. Photo evidence and
witnesses. These posters were in the
council’s offices and in 3 sets of doctors surgeries. Ref B3.1.1 The prejudice has been displayed
openly and with hostility in conversations with social workers ref CA1 ref CV1 ref CV2 refCB4 refCK1 ref B7.3.1. ref B7.3.1.1. Ref B7.3.2. ref B7.3.3 |
CLA2 |
The LA has repeatedly
forced me to court to stop criticising them only for the Judges repeatedly to
curtail their ambition drastically. ref Chester and Liverpool courts. Ref Emails.
CLA3 |
CLA3.1. The LA has shown
professional negligence in selectively using Dr Alwin’s work to present a
case of ‘dad is bad’ and ‘mum is good’ Ref B25 all CLA3.2. Further, they fail
to see that Mrs Dobbie presents a significant threat to the children in her
responses and behaviour. |
CLA4 |
The LA allows contract
staff to make up policy on the hoof because they do not know what is
happening. Ref CA2 |
CLA5 |
The LA allows its staff to
use threatening, intimidating and bullying language and behaviour in its
dealings with its customer. ref CA1 ref CV1 ref CV2 refCB4 refCK1 ref B7.3.1. ref B7.3.1.1. and e. g. email from Debbie Williams, LA
Solicitor. “I must emphasise that if
you wittingly or unwittingly breach
the order made yesterday the Local Authority will be applying to the Court to
have you committed to prison” and e.g. the negligent and
malicious act of wrongly issuing imprisonment documents on me Ref B8, and their personal behaviour during this
charade ref B8.3.2 e.g. LA employees calling
Mr Dobbie irrational as an excuse to try and avoid answering questions that
show negligence and malice created by the LA employees. ref Emails |
CLA6 |
The professional negligence
of the LA and it’s social workers has contributed to allow ongoing abuse of
the children at huge expense to the tax payer. Current estimates run at
around £1,500,000 so far. |
CLA7 |
The LA social workers since
July 2010 have clearly alienated dad and aligned themselves with Mrs Dobbie.
This is not in line with the children’s act 1989 which puts the children as
the priority. The LA is professionally negligent of breaking the children’s
act 1989. Ref TimeLine Document, ref Emails, ref B25.2, ref B25.2.1.
CLA8 |
The LA allows its social
workers to repeatedly act in promoting Mrs Dobbie’s version of the supposed
assault in their reports, which two courts had decided are lies. e.g. |
CLA9 |
The LA allows its social
workers to repeatedly act in suppressing the reported assaults on the
children and the assault created by mum on Orion Dobbie and Mr Dobbie which
two courts agreed upon as part of ‘bad character evidence’. All reports and refusal of judicial review. |
CLA10 |
It cannot be explained by
simple negligence that the LA employees have managed to avoid seeing and
acting on a huge list of proven blatant lies told by Mrs Dobbie. ref L It can only be explained by
malice. They knew these were lies, and proof of the lies were easily
identified e.g. contradiction between Mrs Dobbie reporting to social workers
and CAFCASS reporting. Helen Jones, when
challenged on this issue replied ‘well you can’t trust what CAFCASS reported’
‘Aurora is a liar’. ref
CH14 |
CD1 |
Dana Murray fails to act on
the fact that Mrs Dobbie accepted she was violent and abusive to the children
previously and is now reporting that only Mr Dobbie has ever hit the
children.. Ref B3.3.0 |
CD2 |
Dana Murray emotionally
abuses Aurora Dobbie by telling her she is a liar. Ref B3.3.0.3
CD3 |
Dana Murray emotionally
abuses Aurora Dobbie by talking openly in earshot of Aurora with Mrs Dobbie
discussing Mrs Dobbie’s emotional allegations of her assault. See Dana Murray report. |
CD4 |
Dana is negligent of
recognising that she is questioning Aurora in an environment that prevents
her from criticising her mother. Ref CH report.
CD5 |
Dana is negligent of
creating a report that does not recognise serious contradictions between Mrs
Dobbie’s version of events and supporting information from previous social
services and other documents. This is the start of confusion towards the ‘dad is bad’ and ‘mum is good’ campaign that social
services then run heavy handed with for over two years. |
CD6 |
Dana Murray acts to promote
Mrs Dobbie’s version of the supposed assault in her reports, which two courts
have decided are lies. Ref DM report. |
Vivian Saunders first ever
discussion by phone to Mr Dobbie discussed him as factually having assaulting
Mrs Dobbie. Ref 3.3.0 |
Vivian Saunders first visit
to my house at 6 Coventry Avenue happened while I had visitors. These
visitors were flabbergasted at her talking at me and in a derogatory manner.
After she left, they asked me if she was from the police or something. Vivian
Saunders was rude and unprofessional and witnessed
by Carolyn and Lydia Bull (family friends and Aurora’s friend and
babysitter). see Email complaint. |
CV3 |
Vivian Saunders lied about
Aurora Dobbie and put down what Vivian wanted, not what Aurora said. Ref CAFCASS rfa report. |
CV4 |
Vivian Saunders S7 report
is not a true reflection of what has been happening. CV4.1. Vivian put down what
Vivian wanted Aurora to have said. CV4.2. Vivian takes
everything mum says at face value and simply ignores the children and dad.
Some of the things that actually had happened are in the retrospective ref CAFCASS report rfa. CV4.3. Vivian ignores all
current and previous abuses reported that mum caused and presents a ‘dad is
bad’ and ‘mum is good’ campaign and recommends the children stay with mum. CV4.4. Vivian is
professionally negligent in dressing up her report conclusion to make it look
more acceptable saying the recommendation is based on maintaining the status
quo – and that report is falsely based as shown by the ref CAFCASS rfa report. |
CV5 |
Vivian Saunders is
professionally negligent in that she has the mentality of inventing bad
things about people because she simply doesn’t like them. See 7.3.3. |
CV6 |
Vivian Saunders acts to
promote Mrs Dobbie’s version of the supposed assault in her reports, which
two courts have decided are lies. Ref VS reports. |
CV7 |
Vivian suppresses the
reported assaults on the children previously and the assault created by mum
on Orion Dobbie and Mr Dobbie which two courts agreed upon as part of ‘bad
character evidence’. Ref VS reports. |
CB1 |
Barbra Goldsmith is
professionally negligent in not realising that Mrs Dobbie has demonstrably
been telling lies and manipulating the social workers – given CAFCASS report, Caroline
Harley report, witnesses, court summings,
CB2 |
Barbara Goldsmith asked Mrs
Dobbie if she had ever been abusive or hit the children at a meeting. Mrs
Dobbie told the meeting no – which was clearly a lie. Barbara Goldsmith did
not put this in writing. ref Email |
CB3 |
At the first CIN meeting at
Capenhurst with Mrs Dobbie is reported as willing to engage with the CIN plan
based on her version of the history. This is taken at face value by Barbra
Goldsmith irrespective of what CAFCASS rjf, Aurora and Mr Dobbie are
reporting. Mrs Dobbie has been
demonstrably manipulative previously saying exactly the same. ref BG reports. |
17th oct 2011 |
At the first CIN meeting at
Capenhurst, Barbara Goldsmith falsely reports Mr Dobbie as not cooperating
because he has asked for transparency and honesty, which Barbara refuses. ref Emails |
17th oct 2011 |
CB5 |
At the second CIN meeting
at EP, Kevin Buck falsely reports Mr Dobbie as not cooperating using exactly
the same tactic that was used in CB4. . ref Email . |
17th nov 2011 |
CB6.1. Barbara Goldsmith falsely reports there was no
warmth of emotion between Orion Dobbie and Mr Dobbie. When discussed with Mr
Dobbie she agreed this was an “error”. CB6.2. However, no
correction is made and this statement appears later as cut and paste
repetition of ‘Barbara reports’ used by Andrea Blears in a report to the
court. CB6.3. The same comment is
again repeated by Tom Billington who reports ‘Barbara reports..... ref TWD emails/fax |
CB7 |
Barbara Goldsmith acts to
promote Mrs Dobbie’s version of the supposed assault in her reports, which
two courts have decided are lies. ref BG reports. |
CB8 |
Barbara Goldsmith
suppresses the reported assaults on the children previously and the assault
created by mum on Orion Dobbie and Mr Dobbie which two courts agreed upon as
part of ‘bad character evidence’ ref BG reports |
CK2 |
CK2.1. Kevin Buck was aware
of the error in CB6.1 above by face to face discussion, but took no
action to remove the error. CK2.2. He later sees the
same error in Andrea Blears document which he approves. CK2.3. He later sees the
same false statement in Prof. Billington’s report and declines to inform
anyone it is a mistake. CK2.4. Kevin Buck wanted a
‘dad is bad’ advert even if it was false and malicious. Kevin Buck is
professionally negligent and has slandered and harassed Mr Dobbie and
deliberately misleads the courts. |
CK3 |
Kevin Buck is
professionally negligent in interpreting Mr Dobbie’s actions as bad, simply
because he has psychological issues of his own. Ref B7.3.2 |
CK4 |
Kevin Buck supports the
promotion of Mrs Dobbie’s version of the supposed assault which two courts
have decided are lies. As the manager, he approves the reports. |
CK5 |
Kevin Buck supports the suppressing
of the reported assaults on the children previously and the assault created
by mum on Orion Dobbie and Mr Dobbie which two courts agreed upon as part of
‘bad character evidence’. As the manager, he approves the reports. |
CS1 |
CS1.1. Susanne Leece
falsely reports Mr Dobbie as not cooperating. Mr Dobbie requested truth and
transparency, and it was refused by Susanne Leece. CS1.2. At the first SL
meeting, the teachers from Aurora’s school said there were no problems at
school. At later meetings, they finally said yes there were and had been
problems. CS1.3. At the first SL
meeting, the police said there were no real incidents to report. Mrs Dobbie
had allowed an under age child ‘Thomas’ known as being a sex pest for years
to be alone with Aurora in her bedroom and rape her putting his penis on her
face, in her mouth and inside her vagina. CS1.4. At this
meeting, mum and social services knew about the Thomas incident but declined
to say. They had lied and were covering up mum’s extreme negligence. |
Andrea Blears first action
in her first meeting with Mr Dobbie is to threaten Mr Dobbie that she will
take his children off him. Andrea creates total distrust and destroys the
professional and amicable relationship that existed between Mr Dobbie and the
previous social worker Barbra Goldsmith. see
Emails |
Andrea Blears makes up
policy for social services operations ad hoc and on the hoof. (see TWD email 12 03 30 Core Group; Child Protection
Meeting ; Shambles. copied to all). |
CA3 |
CA3.1. Andrea Blears writes
very unprofessional social services reports that are error ridden and filled
with amplification of mum’s bad mouthing of dad. See all of ref
B7.3 CA3.2. See Debra
Dean-Chadwick’s professional criticism of one of Andrea’s reports. Copy
already with LA. If you cannot find it we can send another. If you don’t
accept Mrs Dean’s report as valid criticism we can get ask OFFSTED or LGO to
audit the document. CA3.3. One dreadful example
is Andrea reporting Mrs Dobbie being good as a mum to Graham Dean. Graham is
a witness to Mrs Dobbie’s violence and is available should you wish to hear
it directly from him how dreadful Mrs Dobbie was. |
CA4 |
Andrea Blears is
professionally negligent and covers up the fact in all of her reports to the
courts that Mrs Dobbie has allowed a serious sexual assault to have taken
place with Aurora. ref AB reports. |
CA5 |
Andrea Blears commits
perjury and lies to the court in Liverpool see report
23rd 05 12012 saying things are only good at mum’s house. HH Judge Dodds asked social
services on that occasion to go and try a lot harder to work properly with
their clients. |
CA6 |
Andrea Blears commits
perjury again in Chester B13.0 |
CA7 |
Andrea Blears continues
maliciously promoting dad is bad and mum is good ref B13.0.1 |
CA8 |
Andrea Blears followed on
the tradition set from Dana onwards to tell Aurora she was a liar for
believing that her mum had been violent and abusive to both children. ref Emails, ref Aurora, ref Aurora Blogs. |
CA9 |
Blears lies and writes in reports that Aurora likes her. She later blames Mr
Dobbie for Aurora not liking her. see PPU
comments and Aurora blogs. |
CA10 |
Blears has Aurora screaming and crying and running away from her. The LA
cover up the incident even though it is reported as a complaint to them
independently by Debra Dean-Chadwick. . 17th Nov 2012. Ref see B23 and B4.3.
CA11 |
Andrea Blears deliberately
perjures the court in Liverpool saying Aurora was very content to be at her
mother’s house and had not run away from her mother’s house. Ref B4.2. |
CA12 |
Andrea Blears acts to
promote Mrs Dobbie’s version of the supposed assault in her reports, which
two courts have decided are lies. Ref AB reports. |
CA13 |
Andrea Blears suppresses
the reported assaults on the children previously and the assault created by
mum on Orion Dobbie and Mr Dobbie which two courts agreed upon as part of
‘bad character evidence’. ref AB reports |
CA14 |
Andrea Blears both hides
and plays down emotional abuses created by mum in her reports. Ref B4.4, ref B4.5, B4.6, ..Ref
B4.7 |
Helen Jones demonstrably
perjured the court in Chester supporting that Mrs Dobbie had only once ever
smacked her daughter Aurora Dobbie. ref Perjury letters to police and court. |
CH2. |
Helen Jones maliciously lied in her report saying Orion Dobbie had WRITTEN that Mr Dobbie had hit Orion. Ref
B19.3. through to B20. |
Helen Jones reports Mrs
Dobbie’s malicious allegations without proof as part of her campaign of ‘dad
is bad’. ref B5.2. |
CH4. Mrs Dobbie is screaming and shouting at Aurora and Orion and assaults Aurora. Helen Jones reports the situation wrongly and blames ‘dad is bad’ after Mrs Dobbie assaults her child Ref B18.4 CH4.1. Helen Jones is
professionally negligent to have allowed this to be recorded by Mrs Dobbie
and social services as ‘nothing’. see B19 and especially B19.1 |
CH5 |
Jones emotionally abuses Aurora causing her to have a fit. Ref
18.4.1. |
CH6 |
Orion was reported to have
been assaulted by Ken Redman. To this day, nobody has investigated it. Aurora told me it happened
as did Orion. Helen
Jones is professionally negligent of not having a reported assault on a child
she is responsible for investigated. see B20 |
CH7 |
Jones punishes dad for mum assaulting her child and uses the incident to
promote ‘dad is bad’ and tries to cover mum’s assault on Aurora as being
acceptable. Ref B19 ref Aurora |
CH8 |
Jones having isolated the children from dad does not respond to requests for
contact by email. various emails. |
CH9 |
Jones fails to report mum is physically fighting with the children and breaks
expensive computer equipment. Ref B18.3
Ref Aurora, ref Emails |
CH10 |
Jones has Aurora screaming at her and running away from her and fails to
report it, both at the contact centre and at mum’s home. ref emails regarding contact. ref Aurora |
CH11 |
Jones signs a sworn affidavit and participates maliciously to have Mr Dobbie
served with imprisonment documents by the LA Ref LA docs Helen
Jones is professionally negligent. If she had read all of the documents
concerned, it was clear there was no breach of the order. . See B8 |
CH12 |
Helen Jones is
professionally negligent of promoting Mrs Dobbie based on what she says at
face value, and yet at odds with reports showing differently. ref CAFCASS et al. ref L |
CH13 |
Jones professional negligence allowed the children to be taken into custody
based on perjury see
B15. |
I asked Helen Jones about Mrs Dobbie and her friends bad mouthing dad – as
reported under oath by Alan Rawlinson at Liverpool, Helen Jones tells me
‘It’s just Aurora lying again’. Helen
Jones is professionally negligent of believing everything other than what she
says is false. Ref TWD |
CH15 |
Aurora has always written,
drawn and recorded herself on tape machines and video recorders. She has done
lots of media as cathartic activities regarding all the violence and
emotional abuse she has experienced from mum, Ken and the social workers.
When blogs were discovered and I took them to the court, the knee jerk reaction
of social services was to say Aurora is a liar. Helen Jones priority was
not to investigate the abuses of children in her care, it was to hide the
evidence and call Aurora a liar –yet again. The social worker did not want
the statements investigated as part of a Judicial review. The social worker was
more interested to promote ‘dad is bad’ & ‘mum is good’. Helen
Jones is professionally negligent of not putting the children first. See B21. |
CH15 |
Jones is professionally negligent of recommending to a court to put the
children into the custody of a mother who has been violent and abusive to the
children, carried out a protracted emotional abuse campaign, lied repeatedly
for two years, allowed her daughter to be raped, carried out a malicious
campaign on a grand scale to destroy the very financial security of the
children and is seen as a significant risk to the children’s well being by
the psychologists report. |
This list is not exhausted,
but we are finite creatures. |
Suggestions. |
S1. |
Please reform the social
services function at Ellesmere Port. What these maverick social
workers have done to my children and me is dreadful. Given they are doing this
to my family, then they are certainly injected chaos and distress into the
local community under a blanket of mal applied secrecy. |
On Supposed Irrational Behaviour.
of the reasons that social workers have managed to keep this mess going for
over two years has been the fact that they have been working from false
premises and have created a huge amount of wrong statements both negligently
and deliberately[10]. Their
reports are filled with hearsay and little factual content other then dates of
meetings. Ref Expert Analysis.
LA social workers first became involved in 2009, they behaved in a manner
conducive to helping a distressed family. After Mrs Dobbie assaulted her son
and lied about being assaulted herself, the LA social services showed the
attributes of a man hating monster abusing its powers to help the ‘poor woman’.
abusive employees in an authority, the only defence[11]
is to switch on as many lights as possible and hope that either they behave
properly, or the good people in authority come and help.
specific LA social workers at Ellesmere Port involved after July 2010 have been
professionally negligent on a scale that I personally find bewildering. They
have been allowed to abuse their power to an extent that has severely shocked
most of my family, friends and an experienced Barnardos manager.
my behaviour is called irrational by the employees of the LA, is another part
of their abuse. It is a desperate attempt to protect them from having their
negligence and malice identified. This document is an overview of the
complaints against these abusive employees.
Recorded lies (provable)
L1. Mrs Dobie lied to the police in 2006 to help
her break a prohibited steps order. Police Cava
L2. Mrs Dobbie lied and perjured the courts in
Chester in 2006 testifying under oath about having sex or not submissions.
Ref B1.3
L3. Mrs Dobbie lied to police about an assault 23rd
July 2010. Court records, barristers notes, solicitors
notes, ref TWD court notes
L3. Mrs Dobbie lied about an assault and perjured
the magistrate’s court in Chester under oath January 2011. Court records, solicitors
notes, ref TWD court notes
Dobbie lied about an assault and perjured the high court in Chester under oath
April 2011. Court records, Barristers Notes, ref
TWD court notes
Dobbie lied to police about Aurora staying at my house April 2011. Police
L6. Mrs Dobbie lied repeatedly to social services
about being assaulted in 2010 until now (reflection
from L3, L4 above).
Dobbie lied to social services not telling them about emotional abuse of Aurora
by herself and Ken Redman repeatedly in 2010/2011 (social
services v CAFCASS rfj).
L8. Mrs Dobbie lied repeatedly to social services
not telling them of emotional abuses created by her on the children. ( Compare AB
Liverpool O’Leary v CAFCASS ).
L9. Mrs Dobbie lied and perjured the high courts
in Liverpool (under oath) and in Chester saying she had only smacked Aurora
once only. ( compare court order, v
CH2009, Mrs Dobbie email, diary notes, Graham Dean, Aurora Blogs et al
..and social services report Mrs Dobbie is compliant and
B1: Early
troubles with Mrs Dobbie and children
Mrs Dobbie, before having her own children, emotionally abused her stepson for
years. Ref evidence previously provided to lawyers,
social services and police by Graham Dean.
In early 2006 Mrs Dobbie tried to abduct Aurora to Scotland without any
previous or then current discussion. I contacted social services who said it
was none of their business and I should talk to lawyers. This was done and a
prohibited steps order served on Mrs Dobbie not to remove Aurora. Mrs Dobbie
then phoned from a neighbour’s house to her brothers in Scotland to come down
and take her and Aurora to Scotland. Mrs Dobbie then phoned the police telling them
I was stopping her leaving the home with Aurora – she did not tell them about
the prohibited steps order. I was then assaulted without cause by police while
they allowed Mrs Dobbie to remove things from the house. When I informed the
police and showed them the prohibited steps order, they stopped Mrs Dobbie and
had Aurora returned to me in the middle of the night. ref Police and
other documents and witness (currently with IPCC).
This was emotional abuse of Aurora by her mum yet again.
Custody of Aurora was awarded to me in 2006.. A letter is in that court bundle
from her Mrs Dobbie stated she hated family life and looking after Aurora. She was
identified to have used a very large amount cut and paste malicious statements
about me which were simply proven in court as lies. Mrs Dobbie went off to live
with her sister in Scotland. Aurora stayed with me in England. Ref Previous case
B1.3. Mrs
Dobbie returned pregnant to our family home from Scotland. She had previously testified under oath in court in Chester that she had not
had sex with me making it impossible for the child to be mine. She swore under
oath in court in Chester that the child was mine. Mrs Dobbie lies to the police and lies to the
courts under oath. Ref Previous case documents.
B2: Early violence and abuses by Mrs Dobbie. Social workers trying to help a family.
The original social services reports from Caroline Harley in Nov2009 and the
documents and witnesses around them show clearly that Mrs Dobbie had been frequently violent leaving
marks on the children, throwing them around, slapping them, screaming and
shouting at them (politely worded at points as ‘losing it’ ). The
pattern was a mixture of violence, abuse and affection all interspersed. Abuses
included Mrs Dobbie telling Aurora frequently that Aurora was the problem, life
was better before she was ever born. Ref CH9th Nov
2009, Ref
Mrs Dobbie Email, Ref TWDdiary, Ref Aurora Blogs , Ref
Chester Magistrates Court summing, Ref
Chester Crown Court Summing, Ref Aurora
Dobbie, Ref Tom Dobbie, Ref Graham Dean, Ref
Graham Dean Letter, Ref Lydia Bull. Ref Letter J.Dobbie.
Dana Murray reports Mrs Dobbie as showing NO EMPATHY or WARMTH when shown evidence of Mrs Dobbie
not reacting to Aurora in distress. Ref . DM report
It is quite clear from this reporting that Mrs Dobbie is not saying anything
bad about Mr Dobbie – only that he works too much.
There are no abuses of dad to anybody – child, adult or animal; he just works
too much.
This extended
violence and abuse of Aurora by her mum is the basis of her deep rooted fear at
times of her mother as well as her loving her mother.
At this time, social services were professional and there was good rapport
between them and the family. It was clear to see they were attempting to fix
and heal a very distressed family.
However, the fixing wasn’t working and Mrs Dobbie was getting worse.
My older son Graham and others were saying to get rid of Mrs Dobbie (Ref Graham Dean evidence submitted to lawyers, police,
social services). I made excuses saying she was simply unwell and was
trying desperately to take all the stresses off of her. That was in line with
the social services requests on how to improve things.
Mrs Dobbie seemed to follow a pattern of violence related to high stress times
– morning routine etc. She had a lot of control over it when other people could
witness her; she rarely ‘lost it’ when strangers were around.
Graham Dean and Lydia Bull saw frequent assaults of the children. Lydia has witnessed
Mrs Dobbie head butting Aurora, spitting at Aurora, slapping Aurora as well as frequent
screaming and shouting. Graham has witnessed Mrs Dobbie sitting on top of
Aurora bashing Aurora’s head off the floor. Social services made Mrs Dobbie
sign an agreement to stop having slap fights with Aurora. Ref DM report
The violence got more vicious with Mrs Dobbie 'learning' to avoid Mr Dobbie
getting between her and the children to stop her hitting the children.
B2.8. Mrs Dobbie assaulted Orion in July 2010 and
went on to lie to the police fabricating lies about a fictitious assault on her
to deflect the attention away from her violence and abuses on the children.
The police, having arrested Mr Dobbie, could not contact anybody in social
services or the health services to corroborate that this was a troubled
Graham Dean contacted the police, but they declined his offer of evidence.
The police without reasonably investigating the matter, assumed Mr Dobbie was
to blame and offered Mr Dobbie a caution. The caution was refused as it did not
correspond to what actually happened.
Mr Dobbie, based on Mrs Dobbie’s lies about an assault was bailed not to go
near his home.
Mrs Dobbie under police protection set about the destruction of the family
business by destroying computer files and hardcopy to prevent her lies being
These events are with IPCC.
The high court Judge summing up and barristers notes have been readily
available to social services, CAFCASS and the LA.
The ‘bad
character’ evidence’ agreed by the courts showed Mrs Dobbie as
violent and abusive in general and assaulting Orion and Mr Dobbie on that night
and having lied extensively.
Mrs Dobbie was
reported to the police as assaulting the children at the time of Mrs Dobbie
telling lies about her assault. The police ignored the reported
child assaults; initial police investigations into this said the sergeant
involved believed Mr Dobbie was merely reporting the child abuse in retaliation
for being charged. IPCC are investigating the failure of the police to respond
properly to a reported child assault, reported domestic violence as well as why
the police were negligent in not investigating the matter properly before
charging Mr Dobbie.
B3 : Highly
prejudiced social services and the case of the vanishing violence.
B3. At the instant of the falsely
reported assault by Mrs Dobbie, social services changed personnel and became
extremely prejudiced and hostile to Mr Dobbie as well as taking on a very
active role to break up the family.
This is nasty social engineering.
B3.1.1. I
visited social services immediately after the police released me. I wanted to
get them to make sure the children were protected. I was horrified to be
confronted with lots of posters showing ONLY men being responsible for domestic
violence. It was just the same as when I had looked on the internet for help
after Mrs Dobbie assaulted Orion and me. Everywhere you looked, it was
about ‘men are bad’ ‘men kill women’
‘men are the cause of domestic violence’. I took
photographs of some posters and later took friends to show them the blatant
and it is based on having completely
wrong facts.
B3.3. The
first social worker told Mr Dobbie he couldn’t be expected to be treated the
same as other people because as he had assaulted his wife and children (ref first complaint to Chief Exec Cheshire West and
Chester County Council and replies).
B3.3.0. Dana
Murray having-
read Mrs Dobbie’s own email admission of her hitting Aurora,
and having read Caroline Harleys report showing Mrs Dobbie doing this
and is described as suffering signs of depression and had refused help in
treatment of it
- then
manages to report the bizarre situation of saying that Aurora had said only dad
had hit her. (compare DM first report with CH
report and notes)
Note in Dr Alwin’s report that Mrs Dobbie states she had smacked Aurora more
than once.
B3.3.2. This is the start of
the lies by social workers to create ‘dad is bad’.
When Dana interviews Aurora away from mum’s house, Aurora then tells her that
mum did hit the children lots. DM report.
Dana is shown a photograph that is clearly taken in mum’s house and it is
easily recognisable as Aurora by Aurora, myself and family friends. It shows a large
slap mark which Aurora and I know was made by mum. I do not immediately have
the computer to hand to show the exact date of the photograph. Dana tells
Aurora she is telling lies and the photograph is not her and mum never hit her
and reports the photo is invalid because the police were never shown it. ref DM report,
ref Emails
From this point onwards we see Mrs Dobbie running a malicious, slandering,
perjuring campaign to hide her violence and promote Mr Dobbie as bad. She uses the
authorities to try and force her version of things. Social services oblige more
than willingly as they interpret the event as poor woman attacked by bad man. Social
services set about hiding Mrs Dobbie’s history of abuse and set about re
writing history to create a whole new story of 'Mrs Dobbie is good' and 'dad is
What is seen in Dana’s formal report is the start of the vanishing of mum’s
Aurora reports that Mrs Dobbie was going round telling all of her friends that
dad had assaulted Mrs Dobbie and the children with Aurora in tow. ref Emails,
ref Aurora
Aurora told me to be careful, that a lot of the Mrs Dobbie’s at Capenhurst
School would be hating me because Mrs Dobbie had told them her lies. (documented various places).
Aurora knew that her Mrs Dobbie was telling lies about the assault ( documented in various places).
Social services knew Mrs Dobbie was doing this. Aurora told them. ref CAFCASS rfj.
Dana Murray was even talking to Mrs Dobbie about her supposed assault with
Aurora listening.
Much worse, is that the social workers were now telling Aurora she never was
assaulted by Mrs Dobbie. Ref Aurora and Ref DM report.
B3.4.7. This was the start
of Aurora distrusting and disliking social workers – for her own reasons.
This was extensive emotional abuse of Aurora brought on by both Mrs Dobbie and
the social workers involved (Dana Murray and Vivian Saunders).
B3.4.9. A report of the children’s concerns were sent
to social services by me. Lawyer’s letter.
B3.4.9.1. I received a
response with a legal letter from social services saying do not report anything
to us.
The LA replied, but were told the replies were unsatisfactory as they were
merely cover ups answered by the party the complaint was made against. ref Emails
B3.3.2. LA never followed their own
procedure and took the complaint to the next level
Evidence is clear from the Dana Murray files and Vivian Saunders files. There
is also the evidence files lodged with the courts and social services which
refer to Caroline Harley reports and the diary evidence passed on to Jean Davies
and Caroline Harley. Graham Dean witnessed and submitted statements to the
lawyers, police and social services. The CAFCASS RFJ
report shows Aurora telling about how social services are just saying what they
B3.8. A
first criminal trial regarding the alleged assault took place in January 2011.
The summing up of this trial with the allowed ‘bad
character evidence about Mrs Dobbie was that :-
Mrs Dobbie had been violent and abusive to the family and had lied about much
of what was presented. (the 2009 Caroline Harley report and it’s supporting
documents were evidence).
Mrs Dobbie[12] had
been assaulting her child Orion.
Mr Dobbie had gone to the rescue of the child.
Mrs Dobbie had substantially assaulted Mr Dobbie.
The court felt Mr Dobbie had over reacted after being assaulted, and was
therefore guilty.
The over reaction was based on a supposed bump on Mrs Dobbie’s head that nobody
saw. She herself said in the court there was no such wound. It was only
recorded by the constable who reported that she had a golf ball sized wound on
her head. A wound that would have
required a hospital check up; nobody saw, no records, just this constables notes. The IPCC are investigating this as well.
Mr Dobbie attended probation. They quickly came to the conclusion there had
been a gross
miscarriage of justice.
Interestingly, they tried to contact social workers at Ellesmere Port numerous
times to ensure that the children were genuinely being looked after. They never
got replies.
A high court appeal took place in April 2011 and the summing up :-
Mrs Dobbie had been violent and abusive to the
family. (based on the same bad character evidence as
Mrs Dobbie had been assaulting her child.
Dad had gone to the rescue of the child.
Mrs Dobbie substantially assaulted Mr Dobbie.
Dad removed the child and himself from further harm by Mrs Dobbie. Not guilty.
The police could not now charge Mrs Dobbie with the assaults of that night
based on a technicality (6 month limit). Email,
B3.11.1. The
whole incident is still with the IPCC and PSD.
Mrs Dobbie is still promoting today that she was assaulted, that she never
assaulted Orion and only once smacked Aurora.
Social workers Dana Murray, Vivian Saunders, Barbara Goldsmith, Andrea Blears
and Helen Jones have all told Aurora Dobbie she is a liar for saying that she
was hit by mum.
B3.14. This is extreme emotional
abuse of Aurora Dobbie by the social workers.
B3.15. Mrs Dobbie phoned up Aurora’s friends mum’s in front
of Aurora and told them not to let their children go to Aurora’s birthday party
at dad’s. This greatly distressed Aurora, but the social workers do not report it.
Ref Emails,
ref Aurora, ref Aurora Blogs.
B3.16. Mrs Dobbie phones up Aurora 3 times over one weekend
greatly distressing her. Mrs Dobbie then lies to the police to have them get
Aurora back to her house after promising Aurora she could stay longer – again,
greatly distressing Aurora. The police were shown texts from mum to Aurora
proving Mrs Dobbie had lied to them. ref Email, ref Police.
Social workers don’t report this.
B3.17. On 4th
Feb 2012, Mrs Dobbie terrorised Aurora into a fit and then lied to her lawyer
getting a false report of the incident sent to me. ref
Emails, ref
Witnesses, ref Aurora ref Barbara
Goldsmith .
Social workers don’t report this.
B4 Aurora’s
First Running Away From Mum’s & Exposure Of Social Workers Lies.
In 2011, Aurora refused to go back to Mrs Dobbie's. CAFCASS became involved.
They reported that Aurora was undergoing abuses at Mrs Dobbie's over an extensive
period. CAFCASS report recommended the children stay with dad and that Mrs
Dobbie should have psychological testing.
Over the very same
period in B4 above, social services were only reporting and promoting 'Mrs
Dobbie is good' and 'dad is bad'.
B4.2. Andrea Blears in her Statement to the court 14th Nov 2012
at point no 3.13 deliberately lies to the court reporting -
has never done anything about wanting to live with her father – She has only
gone to her Father’s once when she should have been at her Mother’s home and
that was after she had been in some trouble with a friend and she knew that
Mother would be cross when she got back. Mr. Dobbie attempted to harbour Aurora
on that occasion but Mother persuaded her home’
Andrea Blears knows Aurora ran away from mum’s house in 2011 for two months and
again for 2 weeks in Feb 2012 as well as a number of other incidents. ref Emails, ref CAFCASS
B4.3 Andrea Blears in her statement to the court 14th
Nov 2012 at point 3.14 reports that –
told her Solicitor in Court on the 13th November 2012 that she wanted to live
with her father. Mr. Hogan said that Aurora was clear and that he thought she
had capacity and understood what she was saying. However, she then went home
with her Mother when told that was the Court’s decision without incident.
Aurora was brought into the court room by the Guardian and her solicitor
because she wanted to see where decisions were made. She was laughing and
giggling. Aurora then left with Mother with no problem’.
Andrea is not truthful. Andrea knew that what was told to Aurora was that she
was going home to her mum’s house to go on to her dad’s house the following
When Aurora saw Andrea Blears the night of the 17th Nov 2012, she
screamed and cried and ran away from Andrea. Aurora knew they were trying again
to make her stay at her mother’s. see B23 below. ref Emails, ref formal
complaint by babysitter to LA
Andrea Blears cannot see reality as she is blinded by an insatiable drive to
create ‘dad is bad’
B4.4. Andrea Blears also hides the emotionally abusive
incident where mum upset Aurora by phoning up her friends mums telling them not
to go to the birthday party at dad’s house. ref B3.15
B4.5. Andrea Blears also hides mum’s emotional abuse where
she upsets Aurora greatly 4 times in one weekend. ref emails, ref witnesses,
ref Aurora ref B3.16.
B4.6. Andrea Blears makes out as innocuous mum’s emotional
abuse that terrorised Aurora into a fit on 4th Feb 2012. ref B3.17,
B4.7. Andrea Blears also manages to make innocuous mum
lying by sending a lawyers letter falsely reporting what happened on the 4th
Feb 2012. ref
Mrs Dobbie and social workers pushing ‘dad is bad’ & ‘mum is good’
Social services pushed hard to get Mrs Dobbie back in the picture as much as
possible. Having succeeded, further abusive events took place. Social services
instead of addressing Mrs Dobbie's problems continued onwards with their
campaign of 'Mrs Dobbie is good' and 'dad is bad'. The court records show the
most blatant lies by social services. This is also part of the police
investigation. see Expert comment on the reports.
Barbara Goldsmith falsely reported there was no emotional warmth between Orion
and dad. She later admitted this statement was very wrong, but it found itself
propagated into Andrea Blears and Tom Billington’s reports. Ref Lawyers Letter.
B5.2. Helen
Jones reports mum as saying dad has been texting Aurora saying bad things about
mum. She reports this without proof to the court as it makes dad sound bad.
a meeting with police present, I show Helen Jones on my phone the text message
did indeed say to Aurora to erase her messages, and it was because Aurora had
written ‘Helen is a bitch’.
makes no attempt to correct the situation and report what actually had happened
and that she and Mrs Dobbie were previously making up slander about Mr Dobbie.
Helen is falsely promoting ‘mum is good’ and ‘dad is bad’. Ref Mtg at social services and follow up Emails.
see all of B7 below.
Act of serious negligence by mum covered up by social services.
Aurora was raped at her Mrs Dobbie's house. It was by one of Mrs Dobbie's
friends sons. It was known for years that you could not leave Thomas Sinnot
alone with Aurora. He had taken his penis out before in front of Aurora on a
number of occasions. He had also previously been on top of Aurora with his
penis out.
Dobbie left Aurora with Thomas in Aurora's bedroom playing with Aurora in the
top bunk bed unsupervised - knowing all this history. Mrs Dobbie allowed Aurora
to be unsupervised with Thomas so she could chat with her friend. There was no
justifiable reason to have allowed this situation.
boy had his penis on Aurora’s face, in her mouth and inside her vagina. Mrs
Dobbie only knew about the sexual assault after the neighbour, whose daughter
was in the room with them, came and complained to her.
Mrs Dobbie and social services kept it as quiet as possible because it showed
how negligent Mrs Dobbie was. Notice the absence of reporting this event since 2011.
When the court ordered to see all of the police records about this case, social
services knew this event was missing and did not correct the matter.
Effectively, they were again committing perjury by misleading the court about
what was truthfully happening.
The matter was recorded with North Wales Police and that's why it doesn't show
up in the Cheshire police cava. The Cheshire PPU have been involved a few times
with this case and are very friendly with the Ellesmere Port social workers
involved and knew all about it. Police
No GP was contacted or counselling of Aurora was investigated by Mrs Dobbie or
social services. ref Medical Records
Only now, under the threat of a Judicial Enquiry, does Mrs Dobbie acknowledge
to the courts that such an event took place; but again she tries to trivialise
Mrs Dobbie committed perjury by wilfully concealing
important information from the court, and by wilfully telling lies on all
previous occasions and under oath.
Malicious slander, repeated perjury by social workers and Mrs Dobbie.
Social services took Mr Dobbie to court again and again and again (at great
expense to the tax payer and cost to Mr Dobbie in preparation and attending).....trying
to force him to retract the statement that Mrs Dobbie had ever been violent and
Given the Caroline Harley report and supporting documents, social services and
Mrs Dobbie have perjured
courts on numerous occasions as well as committing slander and behaving malicious towards Mr Dobbie.
Social worker Andrea Blears and her manager Kevin Buck were in attendance at
most of these and are professionally negligent of not reading the files and
knowing that social services were actually being malicious and harassing Mr
Dobbie and not putting the children first.
B7.3. Social services created evidence some of which is
bizarre and reported it to the courts in their desperation to say ‘dad is bad’.
They also covered up evidence showing mum was violent and abusive. There is
also a mountain of background facts that are completely wrong. e.g. Andrea
Blears reports both Grandmas died in 2009.
B7.3.1. e.g.
Andrea Blears reports Mr Dobbie is mentally ill because he wears rugby shorts
inside his own home. ref AB report
B7.3.1.1. Andrea Blears attends Mr Dobbie’s home and talks at
him nonstop. Mr Dobbie cannot get her to stop at all, so he sticks his fingers
in his ears. Andrea Blears reports about Mr Dobbie sticking his fingers in his
ears as evidence of his desperate state of mind (along with the shorts), but
does not report her unreasonable behaviour to illicit such a polite response
from Mr Dobbie. ref AB report, ref emails
B7.3.2. e.g. Kevin Buck foamed at the mouth in anger and shouted at me calling
me an abuser when he heard I had bought my ex wife £200 of shopping to help
feed the children (his claim was I was a woman abuser showing off to Mrs Dobbie
that I could buy food for the children !) Kevin Buck made no comments about me
having sponsored children or supporting a whole family in Africa because the
mother had cancer or other such charitable acts. However, he deemed the buying
of food for my children an act of abuse. The man is simply toxic. ref Emails
B7.3.3. e.g.
Vivian Saunders shouted at me very angry because I said ‘I had taken my wife on
holiday to Australia’. She was fuming angry at me for forcing a poor woman to
do something. B7.3.3.1. Mrs Dobbie used to tell everybody that was the best
holiday of her life. I was on a business visit and used air miles to pay for
Mrs Dobbie’s air ticket, the hotels and food being paid for by the company. To
Vivian Saunders I was ‘guilty’ of a heinous crime because I used the phrase ‘I
took my wife’. ref Emails.
B7.3.4. e.g. Andrea Blears said Mr Dobbie talks to women on
the Internet. When asked how she knows this, she couldn’t answer. Just cut and
paste lies to make Mr Dobbie look bad. ref AB
report. ref Emails.
As the LA were ignoring complaints, I tried to make the court and other professionals
more alert to the absurdity of the social services claims. One attempt was by
reporting to people that Andrea Blears must be invisible and have broken into
my house and been watching me. ref Court
Submissions. , ref Emails
The social workers had created such a strong mindset to the other professionals
in their ‘dad is bad’ campaign, that instead of seeing how stupid the LA claim
was, nobody blinked an eye. Notice the absence of
querying social services.
Andrea Blears, Kevin Buck and those copied in the emails are professionally negligent
in not speaking out where blatant bizarre evidence is attempted again and
B8 Social
services push their abuses to extremes.
It is extremely disturbing that I have made a huge number of formal complaints
about such things, and the local authority just doesn’t reply. They believe
they have the authority to abuse people and ignore any criticism, or have it
their response has been to try to gag me and gag Aurora. ref Court submissions, ref Emails
B8.1.1. after
Aurora had been assaulted by Mrs Dobbie, social worker Helen Jones told the
police they could not interview Aurora as there was no need to. ref Police
Social services using the full power of the LA have tried repeatedly to gag me
about criticising them. The Judge has frequently told the LA that their
requests not only go beyond what is lawful, but also beyond what is decent and
reasonable. Chester and Liverpool
Social services used the local authority to issue imprisonment documents on me.
This wasn’t we want to take you to court, these were documents that positively
stated you are going to prison. I was allowed however, to present myself to the
high court to offer an explanation of why I may possibly not be imprisoned. At
the high court the Judge informed them they didn’t have the authority to
imprison people. THEY DID NOT KNOW THIS !
When asked by the judge to explain themselves, it turned out that if they had
read the previous court documents there was nothing to get excited about. There was no case to answer for.
B8.3.2. More disturbing, the social services and local
authority personnel attending a formal high court thought they were finally
going to get me imprisoned – for criticising them. I was already identified by
various experts and authorities as an excellent father who dearly loved his
children. The children love me and it is recognised they dearly want to live
with me – but it doesn’t suit social services. The social workers were joking
and laughing and happy; they were going to the execution of their critic. The
little fat woman social worker skipped into the court because she was so happy.
This was the dark ages with sprinklings and flavouring by Torquemada. When they
found out they were not burning anybody at the stake, the social workers became miserable. Helen
Jones eyes were watering like she was going to cry. ref
Email Ref TWD
Mr Rawlinson and Mr Hogan were respectably sombre at the hearing.
B8.3.4. Helen
Jones had attended the previous court cases and is professionally negligent, or
maliciously motivated to have sworn an affidavit against Mr Dobbie to have him
The Judge was really nice to the LA and had the wording made easier to read for
An MP is questioning the Chief Executive Of Cheshire West for answers. Other
government departments have been made aware and this.
Extreme destruction caused by Mrs Dobbie and social workers malicious acts.
Since the false accusation and malicious
lies by Mrs Dobbie to cover up her assault of Orion Dobbie, social services in
attempting to run a campaign of 'dad is bad' and 'Mrs Dobbie is ultra compliant'
have cost the taxpayer in excess of £500,000. Most of the activities show clear
malice from social workers to dad. They also show a documented trail of bizarre
lies. They also show a very high level of negligence.
The social services campaign has destroyed the family business which was the
children's legacy and short term funding. It has gone from £300,000 (and was
about to sign up for a million pound joint venture before all the authoritarian
crazy stuff started ). So the children lost out financially on a huge scale. ref TWD, ref Napier University Joint Venture Plan.
I am requesting a government audit of all of this already and various
government departments and MP's are already involved.
B10 Hiding and burying of all complaints against
social services.
One of the fascinating facts of this 2+ years is that whenever social services
have been asked face to face to be truthful, they halt the meeting and close it
down. When asked in over 100 emails to be truthful, they have refused. Andrea
Blears came to my house and would not stop talking aloof AT me for a
considerable time , even to take breath so I pulled out my phone and said I
would now record the meeting she ran out of the house. and so much more ... all
documented. ref Emails.
On meeting me for the very first time, Andrea Blears told me I had to obey what
she wanted or she would have my children taken off of me. ref Emails (and she did, by crook).
B11 EVERYTHING depends on the truth.
When Mr Rawlinson of CAFCASS was first appointed guardian, he discussed with me
how he could see EVERYTHING was pivotal around if or not violence and abuse had
taken place with the children.
It was over 5 months before he even talked to Aurora.
Mr Rawlinson only now has stated 'he has always taken
serious the POSSIBILITY that Mrs Dobbie MAY have harmed the children.
Mr Rawlinson is negligent of not doing the basics in reading readily available
first documents in this case which clearly show Mrs Dobbie was violent and
abusive to the children on a frequent scale (first social services report and
supporting documents).
Mr Rawlinson has proceeded through the case without this knowledge which he
agreed was ESSENTIAL to working professionally with children put into his care
as guardian.
Mr Rawlinson’s negligence has allowed ongoing abuse of the children. We can
assume he would have put much more effort into protecting the children from
ongoing harm and saved £500,000 of wasted tax payers money had he read the
early documents and realised the violence and frequent lies from Mrs Dobbie.
B12 A
little girl fears violence. The LA and Mrs Dobbie DO NOT want the truth.
Helen Jones, Andrea Blears and Kevin Buck are negligent because they have missed
Mrs Dobbie, Helen Jones, Andrea Blears and Kevin Buck have created the false
ideas of people believing Aurora's fear of her mother is simply fiction, a
tantrum or caused by dad.
Social services have put such significant efforts to put the flavour of ‘dad is
bad’ into their reporting that they cannot retract and agree that it is readily
available evidence that Aurora genuinely has a deep fear of her mother because
of her mother’s own behaviour and actions.
Mrs Dobbie and social services were all for psychologists reports. As soon as
Prof Billington said it was ESSENTIAL to know about Aurora’s abuses and
violence we see Mrs Dobbie and social services desperately not wanting a
judicial review.
the importance of knowing the truth about the violence and abuse that the
children had suffered, that both the LA and Mrs Dobbie did
not want a judicial enquiry into the violence and abuse suffered by the
children shows they do not want the truth known.
This is just like social services in 2010 sending me a lawyer’s letter saying
do not tell about the children’s abuses.
It is commonly advertised in posters which are against domestic violence -
Social services and Mrs Dobbie want silence. They have things to hide.
Mrs Dobbie has lied extensively, perjured extensively, physically and
emotionally abused Aurora and Orion and carried out a malicious campaign
against Mr Dobbie. Ref
Helen Jones did not want the truth to be known about the violence to the
children. She is negligent in her duty of care of the children.
B13 Perjury on a grand scale.
For over two years in numerous courts we have seen Mrs Dobbie and social
services put forward that Mr Dobbie is an abuser because he will not back off
and say Mrs Dobbie was never violent and abusive. see section B7 above.
B13.0. Andrea Blears in her court evidence deliberately
leaves out the 2009 events and reports of Caroline Harley and others showing
mum was indeed violent and abusive to the children. e.g. reports to court 17th May 2012, and 21st
May 2012, . She also leaves out the sexual assault of Aurora by Thomas.
B13.0.1. When Andrea Blears does finally mentions the 2009
violence and abuse by Mrs Dobbie, she reports it briefly as innocuous, she then
proceeds to amplify Mrs Dobbie’s version of the assault she is court proven to
have lied about e.g. see 3.4 and 3.5 from Andrea Blears statement 11th October 2012. Andrea Blears is
deliberately promoting ‘dad is bad’ and ‘mum is good’.
Under the threat of a Judicial review, Mrs Dobbie agrees she was, after all,
violent and abusive. It is described as innocuous as having hit Aurora only one time. This
is perjury.
In a meeting with Helen Jones, Mrs Dobbie, police and Mr Dobbie, Helen Jones
said everybody knew that this meant it was more than just one slap.
This is admission of perjury on a grand scale.
Mrs Dobbie and social services have repeatedly perjured the courts in knowing
there was violence all along.
Mrs Dobbie and social services have further perjured TH Judge Barnett’s court
in making out the submission of violence as little more than innocuous. (see
Caroline Harley report, CAFCASS rfj and supporting documents) and made out the
Thomas incident as something to just ignore.
Mrs Dobbie perjured HH Judge O’Leary under oath.
Andrea Blears perjured HH Judge O’Leary under oath.
Helen Jones perjured TH Judge Barnett.
Mrs Dobbie perjured TH Judge Barnett.
Mr Rawlinson’s professional negligence failed to stop this situation.
B14 Malicious slander and harassment on a grand
Mrs Dobbie and social workers have admitted they took Mr Dobbie to court
repeatedly to retract statements which they now admit were real.
Social services in their meetings repeatedly wrote Mr Dobbie was uncooperative
based on him not retracting statements which social services are saying were
actually true.
For two years, Mrs Dobbie and social services have slandered, harassed and
maliciously pursued Mr Dobbie over these basic facts of violence.
Mrs Dobbie and social services have destroyed the family business that was to
be used to ensure a good education and stability for the children.
Mr Rawlinson’s professional negligence in not reading the early documents
prevented him from stopping this.
B15 Children taken into custody based on a perjured court.
Judge O’Leary had 4 teams presenting to her.
Mrs Dobbie concealing extensive history of violence, abuse, lies, slander,
Social services concealing an extensive history of malicious prejudice and
CAFCASS, negligent in the basis of the violence and abuses, negligent in the
contradictions between CAFCASS social workers and therefore negligent in the
offences covered above.
A very weary Mr Dobbie bedraggled by lack of sleep (writing his reply to the
court overnight without sleep and looking after the children), hospital
appointments and a heart physically being driven wild by the wrong medication.
I cannot emphasise too strongly, HH Judge O’Leary was extensively perjured on
those two days.
Mr Rawlinson said both parents had emotionally abused Aurora.
In Liverpool before Judge O’Leary, Mr Rawlinson said it was clear that both
parents had emotionally abused Aurora.
Mr Rawlinson has been told directly by Aurora that she was very unhappy because
mum and her friends talked bad things about dad.
In the CAFCASS report we have Aurora telling RFJ that the social workers and
mum were saying bad things.
At no point in any reports do we have Aurora reporting to anybody about being
unhappy with dad. We had a system where if she was troubled and wanted to talk
about anything, like any responsible dad to daughter I would talk to her.
is very bright and gets agitated and distressed at times. She has asked me on
numerous occasions about things concerning what was going on around her. She
was especially distressed by the lies that had been told to her by social
workers. She felt these people were bullying her and nobody was doing anything
to stop them. Aurora talked to me about death and everything conceivable. Not
just things that troubled her, but lots and lots of things. We enjoy talking to
each other.
There are numerous professional people who say I am exceptionally good with
children. I have had extensive experience in working
with inner city and other distressed children. When Aurora was very
upset, her mum would have to send her to me for calming and reassurance – documented. ref Debra
Dean-Chadwick references. others available
It is recorded in social services records that Mrs Dobbie had to bring Aurora
to dad’s house because dad could calm her down and mum couldn’t.
Mr Rawlinson’s rationale to say what he did in B13 above was based on two ideas
not knowing that extensive violence had taken place and that Aurora saw dad as safety (CAFCASS rfj).
slanderous hearsay from mother (the woman who swore repeatedly under oath there
was no violence).
Mr Rawlinson is professionally negligent of making a false statement to Judge
O’Leary. His statement based on false premise.
Aurora put into custody with the person who had abused her lots; again !.
In Liverpool before Judge O’Leary, Mr Rawlinson said it was safer to put Aurora
with her mum as the lesser of two evils.
Mr Rawlinson based this recommendation on not being clearly aware of the extent
of mum’s violence, abuse and lies.
Mr Rawlinson makes his decision in the light of being negligent of Aurora's
deep genuine fear of Mrs Dobbie based on real violence.
Mr Rawlinson’s own testimony at Liverpool shows
conflict with social services, who were basically saying everything was
wonderful at Mrs Dobbie's house.
Mr Rawlinson fails to recognise that Aurora has told social workers what she
has told him, but the social workers never report Aurora's concerns and
problems at Mrs Dobbie's house.
Mr Rawlinson fails to see the connection, or feels that the misreporting and
hiding of abuses at Mrs Dobbie's by social services is magically now going to
stop. He is negligent.
Post Liverpool abuses of children.
Post Liverpool evidence backs up that mum has still been lashing out at the
children – Aurora especially.
Social services have not reported Aurora screaming and shouting at the social
worker. Instead they report a good relationship. ref
Email, ref
Aurora reports there have been quite a few incidents in the house. Social
services reports how settled the children are. ref
HJ reports, ref email,
ref Aurora
B18.3. In
one of the fights between Aurora, Orion and Mrs Dobbie they smash a £450 tablet
computer. Social services only report how settled the children are. ref HJ reports,
compare ref
Emails, ref
Aurora . ref Evidence.
B18.4. Aurora was screamed at and assaulted with a
toothbrush dragged across her face by her mother. She refused to go back to her
Mrs Dobbie's house saying it was just like 2010 all over again. ref Emails,
ref Aurora.
B18.4.1. I reported to the PPU. They reported to Helen Jones,
she ordered out of hours social worker and police to attend and force Aurora back to Mrs Dobbie's setting Aurora off into one
of her 'fits'. Aurora was triggered into these fits on a number of
occasions historically by Mrs Dobbie. She also had them when she felt forced to
leave the safety of dad's house. ref Emails
Helen Jones has pronounces herself as suitably medically qualified and Aurora
was merely having a tantrum (and Helen wasn’t even present). ref Emails
It states in the Caroline Harley social services report that Aurora had severe
panic attacks and we were witnessing such things again. Ref CH2009.
Helen Jones has caused an extreme reaction in Aurora, even though she knows the
history of these as reported by Caroline Harley et al. Helen
Jones has emotionally assaulted Aurora. ref Emails, ref Aurora
, ref CH2009,
ref Prof Billington Report.
Helen Jones was more motivated to be malicious to dad than to protect a child.
She is negligent in her duty of care to Aurora.
Helen Jones has reported a false version of what happened. This is professional
negligence. ref
Emails, ref Aurora, ref TWD v HJ report,
Social services hiding abuses and still trying to sell ‘dad is bad’.
B19. As a
result of mum assaulting Aurora and being terrified of her, Helen decides to
reduce all possible contact between Mr Dobbie and the children. She manages to reduce
it to 3 hours supervised with no phone calls or texts – complete isolation;
worse than murderers get. ref Emails
I met up with Helen Jones and Mrs Dobbie and police. Mrs Dobbie said the
children were fighting and she grabbed Aurora’s arm and it got dragged across
Aurora’s face. Mrs Dobbie lashed out in a brawl with the children. ref Emails.
B19.1.1 This
incident in isolation is not much to talk about. What is disturbing is when you
place it in the context of years of Mrs Dobbie lashing out physically at the
children. Helen Jones knows about the original social services documents and
knows that Aurora has genuine deep rooted reasons to fear her mother. Knowing
this, she maliciously proceeds to blame Mr Dobbie for Aurora being terrified of
her mother. This is a malicious criminal
act on Mr Dobbie as well as negligence in her duty of care to Aurora. It is
part of a large list that has already been passed on to the police. ref Emails, refCH2009 et al
Mr Rawlinson knows about this incident and is in agreement with what Helen is
doing. Mr Rawlinson is approving a criminal act of perjury and harassment
because he never took the trouble to act professional and read all of the
readily available documents. He is
B19.3. Social services maliciously lied to the court that
Orion had WRITTEN that 'dad had hit him'. Helen was malicious and made sure
nobody could successfully challenge her in court about this by not presenting
evidence. ref HJ report
When I asked to see the evidence at a subsequent meeting with police in
attendance, the A4 sheet had three very nice things Orion had written about his
dad. There was nothing about any hitting; just three nice things about his dad.
ref Email
Helen further explained she had visited Orion with the document and asked about
if dad had hit him. Orion said no, never. The document only said good things
and Orion only said good things. and yet, Helen Jones went on to maliciously
lie to the court in this incessant campaign from social services to try and
promote 'dad is bad'. ref Email
B19.3.3. Helen did this
quite deliberately, she committed perjury.
Rawlinson had read Helen Jones report but neither he nor Helen Jones reported
to the court that the report was wrong.
Mr Rawlinson is either negligent of not being interested in a child he has
professional responsibility for, who supposedly had WRITTEN he has been hit by
his father, or
Mr Rawlinson not only knew it was wrong, he knew this document said three times
how much this child loved his dad, but Mr Rawlinson knowingly participated in
allowing another ‘dad is bad’ advert to be put in the records and in front of
the judge; this would make him malicious and negligent.
Mr Rawlinson, already knows through the first CAFCASS report and his Liverpool
testimony (his direct dialogue with Aurora) that there is a significant
difference between reality and what social services are reporting.
Assault never even investigated
Ken Redman was reported to have dragged Orion screaming upstairs by Aurora, and
to this day, nobody has investigated it. ref Emails, ref Aurora, ref TWD
Helen Jones told Nigel Parr there was nothing to investigate. She is negligent.
ref Emails
Aurora’s drawings, writings and blogs.
B21. Aurora has always
written, drawn and recorded herself on tape machines and video recorders. She
has done lots of media as cathartic activities regarding all the violence and
emotional abuse she has experienced. Aurora had been blogging about abuses and
had also demonstrated she was angry at what happened in Liverpool and she ran
away from social workers after Liverpool and at the contact centre.
When blogs were discovered
and I took them to the court, the knee jerk reaction of social services was to
say Aurora is a liar. Ref Witness Jacobs Solicitors email.
Helen Jones priority was not
to investigate the abuses of children in her care, it was to hide the evidence
and call Aurora a liar –yet again. The LA did not want the statements
investigated as part of a Judicial review. The LA was more interested to stay
on the ‘dad is bad’ & ‘mum is good’ psychological train that Mrs Dobbie and
social services are running.
Helen Jones told police there was nothing new that she did not know already
from the Aurora Blogs. This means that Helen Jones committed and supported
Perjury in her court appearances in Chester. Ref
Email TWD/HJ/NP.
Response to Vicki Dudley of CAFCASS.
You stated that Mr Rawlinson references his court case report dated 11 Dec 2012
‘the court case has been extensive and the significant emotional harm the
children are suffering because of parental acrimony’.
The court case is extensive because Mr Rawlinson and others have been negligent
in reading the historical documents and recognising the extent of violence and
abuse suffered by the children. It is also protracted because Aurora repeatedly
told social workers about abuses and violence from Mrs Dobbie and they simply
ignored her (please read the first CAFCASS report
where Aurora tells RFJ that social worker Vivian Saunders did not listen to her
and just said what Vivian wanted to say).
In terms of proven facts (rule out social services hearsay and simple
amplification of whatever Mrs Dobbie says) Mr Dobbie has not emotionally or
physically harmed the children.
Mr Dobbie is being persistently attacked by Mrs Dobbie and social services to
retract that Mrs Dobbie has ever been violent.
Mr Rawlinson says ‘their assessment, notwithstanding mother’s admissions, is
that the children are safe in her care’ .
Mrs Dobbie had not made any admissions at this point. Mr Rawlinson is confused.
When mother finally does make her admissions, they are little more than
innocuous chastisement that falls extremely far from what is proven in the
initial documents. see Court Doc
If Mr Rawlinson had read the available historical documents; he would have
recognised the malicious abuse of Mrs Dobbie in using social services as a
weapon. Mr Rawlinson is negligent and his negligence has contributed to Judge
O’Leary in Liverpool effectively working from evidence which is PERJURY.
Judge O’Leary was grossly perjured and her resultant
order comes from her being perjured. That she was perjured is a fact based
purely on Caroline Harley’s document alone.
As for Aurora being safer, since then, Mrs Dobbie has lost it loads of times
with her and physically assaulted her and social services are desperately
covering it up. When discovered, because they can’t gag Aurora forever, social
services try to make the incidents seem innocuous. Aurora has also been talking
to friends and relatives. ref Emails, ref Aurora, ref Evidence
Mr Rawlinson and Andrea Blears said Aurora was happy to go to mum’s house.
At Liverpool Mr Rawlinson stated how Aurora was relieved to be free of decision
making at the court in Liverpool. ref Guardian
Mr Rawlinson made Aurora so angry at him that she refused to talk or be
interviewed by him on the two subsequent attempts by him to talk to her after
the event above. documented.
Mr Rawlinson stated how happy Aurora was to be going home with Mrs Dobbie. ref Guardian report
Aurora screamed and cried and ran away from the social worker when she saw the
social worker and realised she was being forced to stay at Mrs Dobbie’s house;
not what Mr Rawlinson told her. (formal complaint
lodged with LA by the babysitter).
Mr Rawlinson has demonstrated he does not understand Aurora. He is confused by what
makes her happy or sad. He makes up his own fantasy story which falls in line
with the bombardment of propaganda from social services ‘mum is good’ &
‘dad is bad’.
All of the social workers reported Aurora liked them. What we have is social
workers trying to make themselves look good in reports.
What Mr Rawlinson told Aurora in Liverpool was that she was going home to Mrs
Dobbie’s and on to dad’s the following day. What he reported to the court was
how happy Aurora was to go with Mrs Dobbie. – These are very different things.
Mr Rawlinson cannot see these two statements as being very different. Mr
Rawlinson made up a story that sounded good and made him look good. It wasn’t
the truth, it was merely wishful thinking that Mr Rawlinson was a knight in
shining armour.
Aurora has been under siege with social workers for over two years. All of them
have tried to force her to believe that Mrs Dobbie had not been violent and
abusive to her.
That is a
nightmare of emotional abuse created by mum and the social workers.
What Aurora wants is people who are decent and truthful that she can trust.
That was not fulfilled by her guardian. Mr Rawlinson is negligent; and sadly,
because he never read reports.
B24. LA excuse of dad is mentally unwell to cover for
their abuses.
This is the most desperate attempt from local authority employees to cover up
extensive and ongoing abuses, perjury and criminal harassment created by its
Since seeing my children abused, and that abuse carrying on through the actions
of negligent authorities, I have been greatly distressed.
I am working with professionals from the NHS and being treated for anxiety and
distress that resulted from external stressors – mainly the actions of the
local authority.
My doctors show I am not mentally ill, or paranoid or deluded or such like.
I have interacted professionally with the authorities and reported what is
happening in a professional manner. I have deliberately
escalated the audience given the level of abuse of authority power.
The local authority has not followed its own complaints procedures and has been
negligent in simply avoiding answering complaints, questions and comments.
Like any concerned parent or professional should be, I have drawn more
attention as required to this matter as it has had a bad influence on my
children’s well being.
Faced with people like Helen Jones who takes the position that anybody
disagreeing with her is a liar or mentally ill, then it warrants bringing a lot
of attention to these matters.
B25. Dr Alwin’s report say mum is a real risk, but LA
reports dad is the problem.
B25. On a
balanced view, Dr Alwin’s report says the children are safer with dad.
B25.1. Social
services as usual, use it in a prejudiced manner to say ‘dad is bad’ and ‘mum
is good’. see
LA application to court.
B25.2. Mrs Dobbie
reports to Dr Alwin –
‘ Ms Dobbie informed me at the beginning of
the assessment that at the moment social services were backing her desire to
have the children placed in her care’…..and
‘Ms Dobbie added that social services have
told her Tommy was mentally abusing the children and they have referred Tommy
to have a psychological assessment. Ms Dobbie said that she doesn’t need to be
here’ ……and ….
Dobbie was not prepared to consider, act on or maintain changes in her
B25.2.1. Social
services make it clear; they are prejudiced in their dealings between Mr and
Mrs Dobbie. They are on a one track path to give the children to mum.
B25.3. Mrs
Dobbie refused mental health help in 2009 by health services and again in 2010
by health services and again in 2011 after CAFCASS recommended she should be
seen by a psychologist. She only does it
because she says it helps social services force the children off of their dad.
She says she has no need to change.
B25.3.1. Dr
Alwin reports – ‘her behaviour in the
past had been inappropriate. However, I continue to have concerns that Mrs
Dobbie may struggle to assert herself in situations where she was required to
maintain a moral framework when under pressure from others’.
B25.4 LA report
Mr Dobbie as unwilling to recognize or seek help.
B25.4.1. LA
position not supported as Mr Dobbie has taken the trouble to go himself and ask
for help in 2010 after being distressed by the stressors created by Mrs Dobbie,
police and LA.
B25.4.2. LA
position not supported by - Dr Alwin reports Mr Dobbie SCQ – ‘This profile indicates an individual who was
prepared to accept they had issues requiring personal change and was prepared
to recognize the need to maintain change over time’.
B25.4.3. LA
position not supported by Dr Alwin reports – ‘he states he tried to deal with these problems on his own but realized
he could not ……he reported to his GP..’
B25.5. LA report
there are concerns by Dr Alwin about Mrs Dobbie, however, we are reassured by Mrs
Dobbie that she will undertake courses and will reduce these concerns.
B25.5.1. LA
position not maintained by B25.2 last part.
B25.5.2. LA
position hugely undermined by B25.3.
B25.5.3. LA
position hugely undermined by Jean Davies comments in Caroline Harley 2009
social services report.
B25.5.4. LA
position undermined by the fact that Mrs Dobbie has lied to them repeatedly
over two years about the domestic violence she caused. ref
B25.5.5. LA
position undermined as Mrs Dobbie is not even truthful to Dr Alwin – said she ‘slapped Aurora on her bottom and put Orion in
his bed’ (compare with her own
email admission alone). Mrs Dobbie lies lots ref
B25.5.5.1. LA
position undermined as Mrs Dobbie still citing her version of events about the
assault which ALL other evidence says is lies. Mrs Dobbie lies a lot ref L
services have shown gross unprofessional behaviour in respect of understanding
Dr Alwin’s report and the significance of what he says.
B25.6.1. The
report says Mrs Dobbie is LIKELY to step back and let
someone take control of what is happening to her children; and if this
person is not holding the children’s interests as a high priority, then there
could be serious risks to the children.
B25.6.2. The
report says she could POSSIBLY benefit in reducing this LIABILITY.
B25.6.3. Mr
Redman has already shown his genuine interests. He wanted sex and didn’t want
noisy children in the way. Once the spotlight was turned on, he behaved rather
better, but that spotlight will switch off.
B25.7. Dr Alwin asked
Mrs Dobbie, given that she felt so bad about their relationship, what motivated
her to stay with Mr Dobbie (as opposed to leaving and getting on with her own
life) –
Dobbie stated that she was ‘terrified of losing everything’, losing the
children and losing her home..’
B25.7.1. So Mrs
Dobbie took action to resolve that problem. By telling lies to police and
social services about a fictitious assault knowing they are already highly
prejudiced against men in issues of domestic violence.
B25.7.2. Social
services willingly obliged to champion her cause and lied in reports and courts
to do so.
B25.8. The only
thing, is truth was hanging about everywhere in the details.
B25.8.1. Mrs
Dobbie and social workers have tried to hide the evidence, tell lies to courts,
calling Mr Dobbie mentally unwell and
Aurora an extreme liar.
B25.8.2. the LA
and Mrs Dobbie desperately did not want a Judicial review.
B25.9. The LA is
negligent and has used Dr Alwin’s report in an unprofessional manner to make
the case of ‘dad is bad’ and ‘mum is good’.
Appended in PDF :
Timeline of events. Mrs Dobbie Email to Social Services, Extracts CH
report 2009, Mr Dobbie Diary Notes, Graham Dean Witness Statement, Aurora Blogs
transcription. CAFCASS rfj extract, Court order page1
[1] This document uses LA for Local Authority meaning Cheshire West and Chester County Council.
[2] There were numerous complaints which escalated as a result of the LA not replying. One formal reply was made by the LA in 2009 telling me not to inform them of the children’s distresses (contrary to legal requirements). A second formal response was received on 7th Dec 2011 to complaints made on 17th Dec 2010. The second formal response was reported back to the LA as unsatisfactory and a response to that is still outstanding. LGO were informed but insisted the complaints were put into the LA for a second round before they could become involved.
[3] The two criminal courts in Chester found she had lied about the situation. Both courts saw the father as going to the rescue of the toddler. Both courts saw Mrs Dobbie initiate a substantial assault on Mr Dobbie. The magistrates court thought Mr Dobbie had over retaliated after being assaulted. The higher court found there was no evidence of over retaliation. The main point is both courts found she had lied and had assaulted her toddler son and Mr Dobbie.
[4] With IPCC currently.
[5] Mrs Dobbie was reported as very compliant by social workers while she was actually causing abuses to the children as reported by CAFCASS and others.
[6] The LA has demonstrated prejudice as have individual social workers.
[7] The LA has taken me to court on numerous occasions to try and force me to say that Mrs Dobbie was not violent and abusive, contrary to the original social services report, criminal court summings, witness’s and evidence.
[8] See the photographs of domestic violence posters shown by the LA in various locations. All cite men only as responsible for domestic violence. Also the conversations with the social workers ref CLA1
[9] e.g. Andrea Blears reports ‘dad talks to women on the internet’. How does she know if such a situation exists or not ? She cannot corroborate her statement in any way. This is simply a malicious comment.
[10] The social workers have been shown that Mrs Dobbie has lied to them frequently, but they chose to not only ignore it, but cover it up.
[11] I initially tried to work collaboratively and professionally with each of the LA social workers. My efforts proved worthless as each of the social workers was prejudiced against me as a man with the stigma of domestic violence.
[12] I use Mrs Dobbie here instead of Mrs Dobbie for readability.