Evidence of child abuses and crimes

Page2 : People involved -
regarding crimes and abuses of children
and their father in Ellesmere Port.

These are links to non redacted and non sanitised copies of evidence.
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document to - anima.tom.dobbie@gmail.com

People Involved .

Criminals in CAFCASS

Alan Rawlinson - CAFCASS children's guardian.

This man said in court under oath that a man forcibly pushing his penis into a child's mouth was acceptable.

Seperate page due to the seriousness of his crimes and betrayal of children he had a duty towards.



Anthony Douglas - Head of CAFCASS.


Authorised his CAFCASS employees to -
1. Cover up child sexual abuses.
2. Cover up child abuses.
3. Cover up crimes against the children and their father.
4. Authorising his employees to act as a proxy agent of abuse and harassment of the children and Tom Dobbie.
5. Failed to carry out the promises of his website.
6. Complicit to perverting the course of justice.
7. Gross misconduct in public office.

Emails confirm that he knew details of the cover up and crimes.


Criminals in Cheshire Police -

John Dwyer - Cheshire Crime Commissioner


Authorised his police force to -
1. Cover up child sexual abuses.
2. Cover up child abuses.
3. Avoid investigating hard evidenced crimes including threats to kill.
4. Authorising his police officers to act as a proxy agent of abuse and harassment of the children and Tom Dobbie. .
5. Failed to carry out the promises of his website.
6. Complicit to perverting the course of justice.
7. Covering up complaints reporting crimes.
8. Gross misconduct in public office.

Emails confirm that he knew details of the cover up and crimes.


Inspector Orton - Ellesmere Port Police


Authorised his police force to -
1. Cover up child sexual abuses.
2. Cover up child abuses.
3. Avoid investigating hard evidenced crimes including threats to kill.
4. Authorising his police officers to act as a proxy agent of abuse and harassment of the children and Tom Dobbie. .
5. Failed to carry out the promises of his website.
6. Complicit to perverting the course of justice.
7. Covering up complaints reporting crimes.
8. Gross misconduct in public office.

Authorised 1 unrecorded interview of Aurora reporting sexual approaches by Ken Redman.


Sergeant Melody - Ellesmere Port

1. Positively avoided hard evidence of child sexual abuses, child rape cover up, child physical abuses, child emotional abuses, threats to kill, harassment, theft, destruction of property, wrongful imprisonment, perverting the course of justice and other crimes.
2. Covered up the above crimes.
3. Ignored reported crimes.
4. Victimised the victims.
5. Carried out acts to stop the victims reporting these crimes by putting dad in prison on remand and ensuring the victim children were gagged by being kept in the control of their abusers.


D.I. Nigel Parr - Cheshire Police

1. Never investigated properly what was evidenced. Too readily ignored hard evidence and followed his lead from social services - even when presented with hard evidence that the social workers were lying on important matters.

e.g. Asked Tom Dobbie if there was any evidence of the children's abuses reported by a third party.
Witnesses were given to him and he never talked to them. Never talked to the children. Had a CAFCASS report showing abuse and violence , but must never have read it. Had social services first report by Carolyn Harley reporting Mrs Dobbie's abuses. Had a copy of an email by Mrs Dobbie saying she hit, threw about and screamed at the children.
When Aurora was assaulted by Mrs Dobbie, DI Parr parrotted the same story as Mrs Dobbie.

The police were simply parroting whatever Mrs Dobbie and the social workers were saying.


Acts of abuse by proxy carried out by Ellesmere Port police and followed up by Chester police.
I was arrested and spent overnight in cells for :-
1. Inviting the public to a public trial.
2. Talking privately on Facebook
3. Getting medication from my GP (after telling the police that I was going to my GP).
4. Various others .
The last time to date.
10. Arrested and kept in cells for 'having a possibly serious laugh'
I reported these but never had a reply.


Reserved for others to be advised.







Criminals in CWaC (Cheshire West and Chester council)

Download a pdf copy of an extensive set of complaints
to Cheshire West and Chester Council which they simply refuse to answer.


Main complaint and Addendum



Steve Robinson - Cheshire West and Chester


Regularly updated with emails (see directory of emails filed with this evidence. CWaC even reported Tom Dobbie as mentally ill for copying emails to all parties involved) and reports (#Ref:2.14.v3 ) informing him of the negligence, bad habits and downright criminality of his staff.

Through the emais it is evidenced that he -
1. wilfully supported his staff in lying in their reports and to courts - e.g. Smearing.
2. wifully employs and supports staff who write wholly unprofessional and misleading reports. Andrea Blears.
2. wilfully supported his staff in criminally covering up child abuses (so many examples - see CHRONOLOGY and compare with Aurora Blogs and Avril violence and first ever CWaC report and Helen Jones admitting in a meeting about the abuses ). .
3. wifully supported his staff in criminally keeping the children in abuses.
4. wilfully supported his staff in criminally harassing Tom Dobbie at extraordinary levels; even applying to imprison Tom Dobbie for writing poetry. .
5. wilfully suported his staff in having Tom Dobbie wilfully imprisoned.
6. wilfuly supportd his staff in taking criminal action - abuse of process using these proceedings - against Tom Dobbie.
7. wilfuly and criminaly proceeded with abuse of process to gag Tom Dobbie. #Ref:2.15.v2

Mark Palethorpe - Cheshire West and Chester


As per Steve Robinson - given that he replied to MP Andrew Miller saying everything was investigated satisfactorily.


Gerald Meehan - CWaC As per steve Robinson.


Susanne Leece - Safeguarding As per Steve Robinson.


Jeff Kirkbride (legal) As per Steve Robinson


Debbie Williams (legal) As per Steve Robinson.






Social Workers
(Cheshire West and Chester, Ellesmere Port )

Judith Griffiths - CWaC as per Steve Robinson


Kevin Buck - CWaC as per Steve Robinson


Sara Hughes - CWaC as per Steve Robinson


Helen Jones - CWaC as per Steve Robinson


Andrea Blears - CWaC as per Steve Robinson


Vivian Saunders- CWaC as per Steve Robinson


Caroline Harley - 1 GOOD PERSON !!!!!


Dana Murray - CWaC as per Steve Robinson


Sarah Horner - Good Person , tried to report abuses of the children but was silenced.


Sarah Hughes Manager CWaC as per Steve Robinson



If you have not been : wrongfully charged, suffered frequent miscarriages of justice, harassment, wrongful imprisonment 3 times, wrongfully arrested so many times it's blocked in my head, wrongful sectioning, had your children dreadfully abused, had your business destroyed, bankrupted, made homeless, wrongfully forced not to walk in the street where you paid the mortgage on a house for 20 years, had multiple appearances in front of judge after judge who just let the criminality run on - then you are in no position to criticise this observation by a world respected consultant physicist who all these things have happened to in English courts.

Judge K Barnett - Chester Family Court -

His judgement is astonishing, in that analytically read with the facts of the case, not only has he covered up crimes and acted criminally, but his ability to cover up is really poor.
See his commentary about the RFA Cafcass report; he says it happened, but we should all ignore everything criminal that happened in the past. i.e. cover up all of the child abuses and other crimes. This is obviously not English law, or in the best interest of the children given the historic facts.


Judge O'Leary Liverpool family court


Judge Dodds - Liverpool family court 1 GOOD PERSON !!!!!


Judge Dutton - Chester Crown Court 1 GOOD PERSON !!!!!


Judge Woodhead - Chester Crown 1 GOOD PERSON !!!!!


Judge Stark - Chester family 1 GOOD PERSON !!!!!

#Ref:2. 38.v1

Judge Newman - Chester family ?


Chester Magistrates - pretentious aloof half wits who enjoy seeing people squirm.


Criminal child abusers in NYAS

Gill Smith - helped gag the children.


Suzanne Platt - helped gag the children and ensured the children's abusers knew what the children were saying in contact.


Lynette Partington - ensures NYAS is liked by the local authority child abusers.


Christine Renouf - Runs this 'charity' to make a very good salary.



Heroes and Heroines.
NHS Mental Health

Lorraine Duggins - CPS Heroine


Laura Roberts - CPS Heroine


Dr Elihibir - psychiatrist - Hero


Dr Gabala - psychiatrist - Hero


Out of hours team in Chester - Heroes


Clatterbridge Hospital Mental health staff - Heroes.


HMP Altcourse (G4S)

Guards, - Tom, John , Dave and others.


College - Pat, John,


Mental health - Carol


Prisoners - Lee, Lawrence, John, Dave, all the painting artists, all the chess players, and others.


To Hugh McLaughlin, a special friend I met in prison in the induction wing. He never got out...........
Hugh was 67 years aged, who hanged himself in his prison cell with his TV mains cable.
Why was Hugh in prison ? His neighbours killed his dog and when he argued with them, the police arrested him for anti social behaviour and gave evidence only against him to get him imprisoned. He only had one eye, which was at 20% sight. I used to write his letters for him. He was mostly deaf and very infirm. The other prisoners cruelly shouted 'medications' ...and he would go up the stairs and along the length of the block to the nurses station, only to find there was no nurse there, it wasn't the correct time for meds. Other times he missed medications because he couldn't hear the call by the guards. So, I used to get him and take him with me.

He commited suicide in his prison cell because what had happened to him was so utterly unfair and he couldn't accept it. He was, a poor lonely old man in bad health living on his own with his dog.

So - that's how the police treat easy targets to abuse. That's how cps get easy convictions to impress the public with their conviction statistics. That's how a magistrate in Rhyl impressed his friends with how good he is at hammering the criminals. You are being fooled all the time by horrible abusive people who can, and do, abuse others.



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