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Steve Robinson - criminally
- abusing children right now as you read..

Chldren are not safe in Cheshire

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Criminally abusing children today as you read this.....

Cheshire West and Chester - Evil chief executive Steve Robinson abuses children

Steve Robinson
is the criminal chief executive of Cheshire West and Chester council .
He approved numerous criminal acts by social workers and by fellow directors.

He is guilty of child abuse, perverting the course of justice, gross misconduct in public office, harassment and other crimes.

He was party to the approval of Helen Jones writing a chronology of the case that was so evidently

that judge Barnett asked for it to be removed
from the bundle because he knew that it
proved them all as criminals, including him.

Sanitised document to follow. Original documents available for inspection on NDA and legal agreement.







Child abuser , criminal, perverting the course of justice, harassment, misconduct in public office .

All evidenced as part of evidence accepted in Chester Crown Court.

Smiles and shakes hands to people's faces while abusing children.....


Steve Robinson's smearing, lies and perjury...

Steve Robinson knowingly approved all the lies and perjury written and reported by Helen Jones. He approved Helen Jones saying that 'Ben' had WRITTEN
' I am sad when dad hits me'

Steve Robinson helped Helen Jones to hide this written evidence. It took three months to get it.
What was written is seen clearly
' I am sad when I don't get to see my dad'

click to see details.







Steve Robinson abused a little boy and perjured a court . yet again.

Cheshire West and Chester council spent over £1.6 million of taxpayers money to cover up their own acts of negligence and subsequent spiralling crimes. All this to gag one family.

Steve Robinson and his directors knowingly and wilfully approved of criminal acts against Tom Dobbie and his children.
These directly resulted in Tom being imprisoned on remand for most of 2014. In Chester Crown Court on 9,10,11,12 March 2015 , Tom was acquitted of harassment charges - because he had reported crimes against his children that CWaC had tried to cover up. The judge said that he could not rescue the children since the police had put the victim on the stand and not the criminals.

Tom had been gagged by the criminal Steve Robinson - stopping Tom from trying to protect his children from abuse.

Click for details about the trial



Are local authoritiers capable of destroying families and children's lives ? When Michael Gove was education secretary, some local authorities were so utterly dreadful - AT COVERING UP THEIR ABUSES - that he had to change the way they operate.

Cheshire West has been good at covering up their abuses of children - uo until now.....






Click to see more details l.

You are paying 200,000 yr of your money
for an evil chief executive to abuse children -


They spend your money on abusing children, his salary, his overheads - to abuse children
and bring havoc into the community.


That's your hard earned money taken to abuse children.

Steve Robinson is beyond immoral and is a force for evil

Smiles and shakes hands to people's faces while abusing children.....he even lied in writing to MP Andrew Miller.

The challenge to criminal Steve Robinson...

Dad is inviting the CWaC chief executive Steve Robinson and his bosses, his co-workers, his lawyers, his friends, his neighbours, his family, his teachers - who taught him the secrets of evil, - anybody - the opportunity to take dad to court and challenge the extensive evidence that show he is -a criminal child abuser.

Steve Robinson has repeatedly tried to hide his abuses by gagging the children and gagging dad - see complaint to Cheshire West and Chester that shows extensive abuses by Steve Robinson and other directors, managers and social workers as they all try to cover up for each other - all approved by Steve Robinson and his board of directors.


Click here for a table of evidence - various documents that show the domestic violence, domestic abuse and corruption.

You can help rescue the children and bring these criminals to justice - from your computer - Page with email addresses. .

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