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People who are abusing children..now

Your children are NOT safe in Cheshire ...

Criminals in authorities ...." who have abused children " and criminally destroyed lives..
in order to protect their organisations..

Page temporarily redacted before next Crown Court trial

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Vile people put children into abuse, and keeping them there...

Real Story : The abusers of Alice, Ben, Graham and dad in Cheshire
They put children into abuse, to protect themselves, and their organisations.

The Who's who guide to the criminal child abusers at the top in Cheshire

You can email to this list of councillors to ask them to stop the child abuse and stop the criminals in Cheshire West


Alan Rawlinson - Evil child abuser, criminal perverting course of justice.

This evil man said in court under oath that a man forcibly pushing his penis into a child's mouth was acceptable.

Anthony Douglas - He covers up a mountain of criminality by CAFCASS.

Is he a freemason ? Why else would he cover up dreadful child abuse acts by his employees like Rawlinson ?

Cheshire Police - and Freemasons

Freemasons take drastic pledges to uphold the laws of freemasonry above all else.

This usurps the law of England and the promises made to any employer.

How is it possible for Freemasons to be the top people in Cheshire police ?

How is it possible for judges to be Freemasons when their top loyalty is to freemasonry ?

Is this the reason why Cheshire police will not investigate child abuses and other crimes
recognised in evidence in Chester Crown Court ? (it implicates their freemason pals )

Cheshire West and Chester council more Freemasons

See how Gove describes the way some councils are not fit for purpose.

3 Top NHS psychiatrists say it would be an improvement in the mental health well being of our country if social services was disbanded.

The biggest current law suit in the world's history is against social services.


A FREEMASON Who's loyalty to
Freemasonry pledges
Usurps the laws of England


Who's loyalty to his freemason pals
usurps the promises of his office.



Another top crony


Social Workers employed at UNMENTIONABLE
Are ALL Social Workers Evil ?
Judiciary, barristers - and possible freemasons.

Judge Barnett - Now Liverpool Family Court -
Evil, criminal, child abuser

An evil narcissistic manipulative controlling immoral vile man, who perjures his own court and abuses children - for money.

Awaiting sanitised version of the analytical critique of his judgement showing him as a buffoon as well as a child abusing criminal.

Judge O'Leary Liverpool family court
Evil, criminal, child abuser


Awaiting sanitised version of the analytical critique of her judgement showing her as , well, stupid and pretentious.

Judge Dodds - Liverpool family court 1 GOOD PERSON !!!!! Judge Dutton - Chester Crown Court 1 GOOD PERSON !!!!!
Judge Woodhead - Chester Crown 1 GOOD PERSON !!!!! Judge Stark - Chester family 1 GOOD PERSON !!!!!
Judge Newman - Chester family ? Chester Magistrates - pretentious aloof half wits.
Queens bench barrister
child abuser in Manchester. Name to be supplied.
Pretentious as well as sneaky criminal.

Judge Pearce - Chester Family Court -
Evil, criminal, child abuser

An evil narcissistic manipulative controlling immoral vile man, who perjures his own court and abuses children - for money.

Awaiting sanitised version of the analytical critique of his judgement showing him as a buffoon as well as a child abusing criminal.

Gill Smith - kept the children gagged in abuse Suzanne Platt - kept the children gagged in abuse.
Lynette Partington - kept children gagged in abuse. Christine Renouf - keeps children in abuse for profit.


The Heroes
NHS Mental Health
Lorraine Duggins - CPS Heroine Laura Roberts - CPS Heroine
Dr Elihibir - psychiatrist - Hero Dr Gabala - psychiatrist - Hero
Out of hours team in Chester - Heroes Clatterbridge Hospital Mental health staff - Heroes.
HMP Altcourse
Guards, - Tom, John , Dave and others. College - Pat , John,
Mental health Carol Prisoners - Lee, Lawrence, John, Dave, all the painting artists, all the chess players, and others.

To Hugh McLaughlin, a special friend I met in prison in the induction wing. He never got out...........
Hugh was 67 years old, partially sighted, very infirm. He hanged himself with his TV mains cable.
Why was Hugh in prison ? His neighbours killed his dog and when he argued with them, the police arrested him for anti social behaviour and gave evidence only against him to get him imprisoned. He only had one eye, which was at 20% sight. I used to write his letters for him. He was mostly deaf and very infirm. The other prisoners cruelly shouted 'medications' ...and he would go up the stairs and along the length of the block to the nurses station, only to find there was no nurse there, it wasn't the correct time for meds. Other times he missed medications because he couldn't hear the call by the guards. So, I used to get him and take him with me.

He commited suicide because what had happened to him was so utterly unfair and he couldn't accept it. He was, a poor lonely old man in bad health living on his own with his dog.

So - that's how the police treat easy targets to abuse. That's how cps get easy convictions to impress the public with their conviction statistics. That's how a magistrate in Rhyl impressed his friends with how good he is at hammering the criminals. You are being fooled all the time by horrible abusive people who can, and do, abuse others.




Click here for a table of evidence -
- various documents that show the domestic violence, domestic abuse and corruption.

You can help rescue the children and bring these criminals to justice - from your computer - Page with email addresses. .

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