Alice and Ben Abuses..21 blogs from a victim's recordings..
Alice reported her abuses many times to different people.
CAFCASS originally reported the abuses in 2011. When Cheshire West found out what the CAFCASS team had reported, the Cheshire West people had the cafcass team changed.
Mum and criminal social workers kept covering up the abuses. Mum and social workers stopped the court having a finding of facts investigation into the children's abuses when Professor Billington (children's psychologist) requested a full determination of the abuses the children had suffered. Mum abused the children. One of her boyfriends she called the pervert, abused the children. The social workers covered up the abuses and let the children be abused more. |
To CAFCASS, Alice said - ' Every time mum hit me.. One time when mum was giving Ben [Note1] Alice was so used to Averice's punishments that she just accepted punishments could be quite brutal. |
Click on this to see Actual Cafcass Report Evidence
Some of the 20 Blogs Recorded by Alice about being abused. |
Transcription of a recording of Daughter - crying. ".. mum ‘’ – (cannot make out) |
Averice had a lengthy history All of the blogs were supplied to Cheshire West and Chester Social Services and to Cheshire Police.
Transcription of a recording of Click here to listen to Audio of toddler screaming for dad Start transcription of recording. mum laughing, ‘that’s better’, just a minute’ End of transcription. |
Cleaning the baby's nappy made Averice very angry [dad] is so, so sorry that what is recorded, - and 50% were much worse than this [dad] gets sick every time he hears it; The evil social worker Helen Jones |
There is one of the hospital records where [daughter] had been knocked out. [mum] had been running at her very angry and [daughter] in desperation to get away from her was knocked out after hitting the wall. |
[dad] went in the ambulance to the hospital with [daughter]. Interestingly THJ Barnett was not clever enough to see how the medical records tallied with the domestic violence (or, he just did not want to see it). |
Photograph evidence.Slap marks on Alice. |
These are available, but we are not showing these here. They were shown to the evil judge and evil social workers who all said that no such violence took place. Alice and dad testify that the violence happened and the photographs are real. |
Holes kicked in doors by Averice. This bad version of a mum - Averice Dearborn, |
Click picture for bigger picture of a hole kicked in one of the doors. Again, the evil social worker Helen Jones was smiling and sniggering at the abuses created by [mum] on the children and [dad]. It seems Helen finds it a good thing for children and men to be abused by a women. |
Alice's older brother (step brother). Evidence statements were produced
Alice's older brother has given evidence in a Crown Court, given evidence to police, been videod by Cheshire Police and still, the police are trying to bury this. |
Alice writing to the criminal Judge Barnett of Chester. | Click on picture to Download and look at on bigger screen
Even though he heard recorded evidence, and read social services evidence of mum's violence, and though he read mum's admission of violence, and though he read CAFCASS report on violence, and although he heard the brothers evidence, - Judge Barnett said that Averice only hit Alice one time. | |
A mum (not this one) who never liked children and left her family. More honest than the mum above who was violent and abusive to her children. |
Click here for a table of evidence - various documents that show the domestic violence, domestic abuse and corruption.
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