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John Dwyer is abusing children today....

right now as you are reading....


Children are not safe in Cheshire..

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John Dwyer - Evidenced in Crown Court as a criminal

Click on image to see this criminal
and child abuser John Dwyer





this evil man is covering up child rape
child sexual abuses
child abuses
and a whole bag of crimes ...
....he is also spreading hatred crime
....and he's getting paid your money to do it.

Please contact John Dwyer . Email: police.crime.commissioner@cheshire.pnn.police.uk

Ask him why he has approved of covering up child abuse
and a host of serious crimes

Click on image to see how a little girl
witnessed criminal police taking her dad away -
- the man who protected the children from a bad mum
who frequently battered the children.






Cheshire police have a policy to always
believe what women say in matters of domestic violence.
Even if she is standing over the man with a bloody knife....
You are in severe danger if you are a decent hard working
father with children.....Cheshire police will destroy your family
force you to lose your house
put you in prison if you complain....
....it all happened to me....

Click on this one page extract that shows how the original CAFCASS guardian reported the abuses of the children, at the same time as Cheshire West were reporting everything was fine.
Police refused to investigate the children's abuses because they had wrongfully arrested dad when mum was assaulting the children and him.
One of the police sergeants when questioned by PPS that he did not investigate the children's abuses because he ASSUMED that dad was making it all up because the police arrested him.





Cheshire police put dad on bail not to go near his house.
Dad told them that mun had a history recorded by health and social services
as abusive and violent to the children, and dad was set as the primary carer by social services to protect the children,
(There are social services reports showing this).
On being told this, yet again, this police sergeant at Blacon in Chester
picked up the phone, phoned the abuser mum, and asked her if she was ok.
He then smirked at dad and said - "She's ok ".
This should have been televised ......that is how low an IQ Chester police have.
.... and Dwyer approves of these criminals and half wits in his employent.

Be afraid,

be very afraid for your children in Cheshire

Dwyer the mason.



John Dwyer is so corrupt, that while covering up child rape and forcing children to be kept gagged in abuse, he gets his friends in the Freemasons to help him get self congratulatory awards.


Challenge to all the Freemasons.

Dear Freemasons, you have a most dreadful criminal in your midst. His awful crimes and immoral behaviour will become a taint on your organisations. His willingness to abuse children will lend further credance to those people who spread stories about dreadful acts within masonary.

I appeal to you to reject this man and even whistleblow on him.

The reality is, he is willing to cover up dreadful crimes and abuses of children and others while parading around taking accolades and pretending he supports justice, law and decency. I cannot express my revulsion enough at this animal pretending to be a man. Right now, in 2015, this man abuses his power to cover up crimes and to stop the very investigations that would expose him. Now, what of his senior officers, and the others who are helping him cover up ? They are every bit as guilty as him.

So Cheshire Police, can we get the investigation going and clear out most of your senior police officers - ALL guilty of helping this man cover up his putrid crimes.

This evil man kept hildren in abuse

This evil man authorised the arrest of Tom Dobbie for reporting crimes.

This evil man had Tom Dobbie put in Altcourse prison on remand for most of 2014 to gag him.

This evil man covered up and enabled serious crimes against Tom Dobbie.

This evil man had his officers repeatedly harass Tom Dobbie.

This evil man was identified as a criminal when Tom Dobbie got to Chester Crown Court
on 9,10,11, 12th March 2015 and found not guilty.

Judge Woodhouse said that he could not do anything about the child abusers as they were not on trial.

The debacle of Cheshire police carrying out this protracted abuse of children and Tom Dobbie was described in the Crown Court as a mess of Biblical proportions by the authorities. Even after this Crown Court trial, John Dwyer and Cheshire police refused to investigate
what was monumental abuse and criminality by them.

John Dwyer - evil - happy to leave children in abuse - as he smiles and shakes your hand.

The LIES that Dwyer tells the public on his website

John-Dwyer-with-Police-and-Crime-Plan ( Click on the hyperlinks for brief comment on the lies he tells)
Download the Police & Crime Plan 2015 - 2016 here
I want to continue making Cheshire a safer place to live and work. By listening to your views, I can ensure the Constabulary deal with issues that are close to your hearts.

I've refreshed my Police & Crime Plan, which sets out the policing priorities for the upcoming year. As well as consulting the public, I have taken into account the Chief Constable's views on key areas of threat and the priorities set by local councils, criminal justice partners and the Government when developing the Plan.

From these objectives you, the public will be able to hold me to account for my performance.

Police and Crime Plan
I am determined to place victims at the centre of the criminal justice system and commission services in Cheshire that may not only help victims cope and recover from their ordeal but also prevent people from becoming victims in the first place. This is at the heart of my Police & Crime Plan, which sets out my priorities for policing Cheshire. Below is a summary of my priorities for 2014-16:

Enhance frontline policing to enable the Constabulary to prevent and further drive down crime.
Protect Cheshire ’s communities from harm.
Support victims and witnesses of crime and take a robust stance in tackling those who continue to re-offend.
Continue to build on the strong partnership between the police and the communities of Cheshire .
Ensure the delivery of an efficient and effective police service. This will include building on the use of innovative technology to deliver better services to the communities of Cheshire.


Click here for a table of evidence -
- various documents that show the domestic violence, domestic abuse and corruption.

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