An Abusive Sub Population
Q. Are all people good all of the time ?
A. No. (follow this link to see Zimbardo for a psychological viewpoint )
Q. What do you do when the bad people are those in authority ?
Expose them ...
Stop them...
There are significant problems of abuse
taking place from social workers,
both negligently, and deliberate.
see our page Social Services In Crises
Consider -
a job with extreme power over others,
where there is little accountability.
The accountability is waivered
by having secretive powers.
The secretive powers exist on a false premise.
I consider such a system
as the UK’s Social Services
to be well described by the above.
They get their secretive power
because they say it protects children -
-then -
the corruption and abuses spread.....
Social services is doing huge damage
to the UK social structure
by creating and continuing
long term psychological toxicity
and wasting huge sums of tax money in doing so.
Simple Example of the toxic psychological
injection into the UK population.
1. No of UK children taken into care
is around 40,000/yr.
Resulting in around 160,000 people each year
distressed and turned into
toxic people.
2. No of young adults in prison
who come from social services
putting them in care homes ~ 50%
3. No of new adults on long term medication
and mental health treatment,
as a result of social services interventions
is around 80,000 per year.
This is a very poisonous result on our society
from having a social services function running uncontrolled by the uk government.
The psychological cost and the monetary costs are enormous.
What can we do about it ?
Consider that :-
1. There are good and bad people of all sorts across society.
Some get employed in jobs where they are bullied and abused.
Some get employed and bully and abuse.
It is inevitable that you find both kinds everywhere.
2. Now, it is well known what happens psychologically
to people when you put them in such a position -
- as social services have been given as described above.
It's called the STANFORD PRISON experiment.
What happens is that nearly all of the people
use this power abusively.
3. People are attracted to a job for a reason.
Many abused and socially toxic people
are attracted to work in social services.
Many seek to remedy society
of the damage done to them personally (revenge motivation)
and are paranoid in seeing their problem reflected
in every situation they see.
4. Social services also attracts
people who want to secretly
be near and have power over children,
and other specific groups.
5. Take in the effect of the normal distribution
of good and bad people,
coupled with the above,
and we have a dreadful situation.
This kind of organisation
allows bullies and abusers
to have secretive powers
to abuse others.
It encourages neutral people to become abusive.
6. It not only allows bullies and abusers to exist,
but is likely to be a haven for them
based on the secrecy factor.
The government gives them huge powers
to hide the abuse legally;
leaving a trail of social destruction behind them.
7. Now, this is known; so there is a control system.
Ticking boxes and reports
that the abusers themselves
have carte blanch control over.
So statistically,
they can pretend to be doing good;
irrespective of reality.
8. In reality,
there is almost no control system
unless extremes take place,
and details are leaked to a wider control system.
9. So the bulk of abuse simply gets kept quiet.
This gagging is easy due to the size of the organisation
and the extremely limited resources of the abused.
It is simple to remedy the social services abuse problem.
What is described above
in control theory terms, is an open loop system
with no control.
It’s ethical position is random to unethical;
most likely highly unethical.
By imposing a controlled feedback based on real ethics,
we create an engine
that creates ethical contributions to the population
i.e. helps society, rather than creating toxicity in it.
Consider a customer satisfaction control,
based on ethical reporting,
fully decoupled
from the internal quirkiness
and prejudices
of the social services operations
or in layman’s terms -
create an independent body
to report social services performance
with genuine
customer satisfaction
as a parameter.
I believe the situation would be hugely improved
if a proper ethical control system is implemented.
Can you imagine lots of people praising social workers ?
Currently the only people praising social workers are social workers.
These are opinions and best guess assessments
by the author. They are designed to help people
clarify their thinking and improve on the current situation.
The author is grateful for feedback to help clarify further assessments.
Please join us in helping children.
Click here for a table of evidence -
various documents that show
the domestic violence,
domestic abuse and corruption.
You can help rescue the children and bring these criminals to justice - from your computer - Page with email addresses. .
Also link here to know more About Moral Propositions.